+49 711 685 66124
+49 711 685 66130
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70550 Stuttgart
Room: 1.119
- born in Osnabrück (Lower Saxony)
- grown up near Osnabrück and in Wiesbaden
- studies of civil engineering at the Technical Universities of Darmstadt and Stuttgart
- 1966 graduated with a Dipl.-Ing. Degree in Civil Engineering
- 1972 PhD from University of Stuttgart
- Grant of German National Sience Foundation (DFG) for Habilitation (1976) and 'Venia Legendi' (Right to teach)
- 1972/73 Post-Doc at University of California in Berkeley
- 1976 Associate Professor (C3) at 'Institut für Baustatik' University of Stuttgart
- 1983–2006 Full Professor and Head of the Institute of Structural Mechanics
- 1988 Founding of Consulting Office DELTA-X, Stuttgart, with Dr.-Ing. A. Burmeister
- 1989 Visiting Professor University of California, Berkeley
- 1991–1994 in addition: temporary Head of the Institute of Light-Weight Structures (IL) at University of Stuttgart
- 1994–1999 elected member of the Committee for Collaborative Research Centres of the German National Science Foundation (DFG)
- 1995–2000 elected member of 'Verwaltungsrat' University of Stuttgart
- since 1997 member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz
- 2000–2003 elected member of 'Universitätsrat' University of Stuttgart
- 2000–2008 President of the German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM)
- since 2000 member of Academia Europaea
- since 2001 member of the Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg
- since 2003 member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
- 2004 Honorary Degree of the University of Calgary (Doctor of Law h.c.)
- 2004 Honorary Degree of the Faculty for Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the Technical University of Munich (Dr.-Ing. E.h.)
- since 2004 corresponding member of 'Austrian Academy of Sciences'
- since 2004 corresponding member of 'Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft' (BWG)
- 2006 retiring from Head of Institute
- 2008 member of US National Academy of Engineering (Foreign Associate)
- Structural and Engineering Mechanics
- Static and Dynamic Analyses of Thin-walled Structures, in particular plates and shells
- Stability and Ultimate Load Analyses (Metals, Reinforced Concrete, Geomaterials, FRP, Glass)
- Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses
- Finite Element Technology, Error Estimation and Adaptivity
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Structural Optimization (Material, Shape, Topology, Formfinding)
- History of Structures
Member of Editorial Board
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (IJNME)
- Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (CNME)
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)
- Engineering Structures
- International Journal of Space Structures
- Engineering Computations
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
- International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD)
- Engineering with Computers
- Advances in Engineering Software
- International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering
- International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering (JMCE)
- Advances in Structural Engineering
Articles in journals
- Thierer, R., Oesterle, B., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2024). Transverse shear parametrization in hierarchic large rotation shell formulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125(9), Article 9.
- Gade, J., Ramm, E., Kurrer, K.-E., & Bischoff, M. (2022). Marc Biguenets Beitrag zur Berechnung der Seilnetztragwerke für die Olympischen Spiele 1972. Stahlbau, 91(9), 612–621.
- von Scheven, M., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2021). Quantification of the Redundancy Distribution in Truss and Beam Structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 213, 41–49.
- Schneider, B., & Ramm, E. (2019). Conceptual experiments and discrete element simulations with polygonal particles. Granular Matter, 21.
- Bieber, S., Oesterle, B., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2018). A variational method to avoid locking – independent of the discretization scheme. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 114, 801–827.
- Oesterle, B., Sachse, R., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2017). Hierarchic isogeometric large rotation shell elements including linearized transverse shear parametrization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 321, 383–405.
- Oesterle, B., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2016). A shear deformable, rotation-free isogeometric shell formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 307, 235–255.
- Pohl, T., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2014). Adaptive path following schemes for problems with softening. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 86, 12–22.
- von Scheven, M., & Ramm, E. (2011). Strong Coupling Schemes for Interaction of Thin-walled Structures and Incompressible Flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 87, 214–231.
- Kato, J., & Ramm, E. (2010). Optimization of fiber geometry for fiber reinforced composites considering damage. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46, 401–415.
- Ramm, E. (2010). From “Shell” to “Shell and Spatial” Structures - in Fifty Years of Progress for Shell and Spatial Structures, Chapter 3: The Decade 1970-1979. Intern. Ass. for Shell and Spatial Strutures (IASS), (I. Mungan & J.F. Abel.
- Förster, C., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2009). Stabilized finite element formulation for incompressible flow on distorted meshes. Int. Journal for Num. Methods in Fluids, 60, 1103–1126.
- Kato, J., Lipka, A., & Ramm, E. (2009). Multiphase material optimization for fiber reinforced composites with strain softening. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 39, 63–81.
- Moes, N., Allix, O., & (eds.), E. R. (2009). Multi-scale analysis of evolving interfaces. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 76, 729–826.
- Ramm, E. (2009). In Memoriam Heinz Isler - Shell Builder and Structural Artist - 26 July 1926 - 20 June 2009. Journal of the Intern. Ass. for Shell and Spatial Structures, 50, 67–68.
- Hartmann, S., & Ramm, E. (2008). A mortar based contact formulation for non-linear dynamics using dual Lagrange multipliers. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44, 245–258.
- Hettich, T., Hund, A., & Ramm, E. (2008). Modeling of Failure in Composites by X-FEM and Level-Sets within a Multiscale Framework. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 197, 414–424.
- Förster, C., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2007). Artificial Added Mass Instabilities in Sequential Staggered Coupling of Nonlinear Structures and Incompressible Viscous Flows. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 196, 1278–1293.
- Hartmann, S., Brunssen, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Ramm, E. (2007). Unilateral non-linear dynamic contact of thin-walled structures using a primal-dual active set strategy. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70, 883–912.
- Hund, A. S., & Ramm, E. (2007). Locality Constraints within Multiscale Model for Nonlinear Material Behavior. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 70, 1613–1632.
- Wall, W. A., Genkinger, S., & Ramm, E. (2007). A Strong Coupling Partitioned Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Free Surfaces. Computers and Fluids, 36, 169–183.
- D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). A microstructure-based simulation environment on the basis of an interface enhanced particle model. Granular Matter, 8, 159–174.
- Erhart, T., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Robust Adaptive Remeshing Strategy for Large Deformation, Transient Impact Simulations. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 65, 2139–2166.
- Förster, C., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). On the Geometric Conservation Law in Transient Flow Calculations on Deforming Domains. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 50, 1369–1379.
- Hettich, T., & Ramm, E. (2006). Interface Material Failure Modeled by the Extended Finite Element Method and Level Sets. Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng., 195, 4753–4767.
- Leukart, M., & Ramm, E. (2006). Identification and Interpretation of Microplane Material Laws. J. Engng. Mech. (ASCE), 132, 295–305.
- Erhart, T., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2005). A Robust Computational approach for Dry Powders under Quasi-static and Transient Impact Loadings. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194, 4115–4134.
- Gee, M., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Parallel Multilevel Solution of Nonlinear Shell Structures. Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng., 194, 2513–2533.
- Gravemeier, V., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Large eddy simulation of turbulent incompressible flows by a three-level finite element method. SFB 404 Report 2004/07, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 1067–1099.
- Haufe, A., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (2005). Nonlinear Layered Shell Formulation for RC-Structures. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 1, 43–58.
- Kemmler, R., Lipka, A. R., & Ramm, E. (2005). Large Deformation and Stability in Topology Optimization. J. Struct. and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 30, 459–476.
- Ramm, E., & (eds.), W. A. W. (2005). Computational Methods for Shells. Special Issue of Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng., 194, 2285–2707.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Ramm, E., Diebels, S., & Ehlers, W. (2004). A particle center based homogenization strategy for granular assemblies. Engineering Computations, 21, 360–383.
- Gravemeier, V., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2004). A Three-level Finite Element Method for the Instationary Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193, 1323–1366.
- Ramm, E. (2004). Shape Finding of Concrete Shell Roofs. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 45, 29–39.
- Ramm, E., & Wall, W. A. (2004). Shell Structures - A Sensitive Interrelation between Physics and Numerics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (Paper of plenary talk at WCCM V, Vienna 2002), 381–427.
- Ehlers, W., Ramm, E., Diebels, S., & D’Addetta, G. A. (2003). From Particle Assemblies to Cosserat Continua: Homogenization of Contact Forces Towards Stresses and Couple Stresses. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40, 6681–6702.
- Leukart, M., & Ramm, E. (2003). A Comparison of Damage Models Formulated on Different Material Scales. Comp. Mat. Science, 28, 749–762.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Kun, F., & Ramm, E. (2002). On the application of a discrete model to the fracture process of cohesive granular materials. Granular Matter, 4, 77–90.
- Hörmann, M., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (2002). Numerical Investigation of Fiber Reinforced Polymers Poststrengthened Concrete Slabs. J. of Engineering Mechanics, 128, 552–561.
- Löblein, J., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2002). Theorie und FE-Formulierung eines hierarchischen Schalenmodells. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1, 448–449.<448::AID-PAMM448>3.0.CO;2-S
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (2001). Structural Optimization and Form Finding of Light Weight Structures. Computers & Structures, 79, 2053–2062.
- Burmeister, A., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (2001). Der Deutsche Pavillon auf der EXPO 2000 - Fassaden und glasversteifte Stützen. Bauingenieur, 76, 487–497.
- Schwarz, S., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (2001). Topology and shape optimization for elastoplastic structural response. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190, 2135–2155.
- Schwarz, S., & Ramm, E. (2001). Sensitivity analysis and optimization for nonlinear structural response. Engineering Computations, 18, 610–641.
- Wu, C.-C., Huang, Y.-Q., & Ramm, E. (2001). A further study on incompatible models: revise stiffness approach and completeness of trial functions. Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. Eng., 190, 5923–5934.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2000). On the physical significance of higher order kinematic and static variables in a three-dimensional shell formulation. Int. J. Solids & Structures, 37, 6933–6960.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2000). A Unified Approach for Shear-Locking-Free Triangular and Rectangular Shell Finite Elements. Computers & Structures, 75, 321–334.
- Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (2000). A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Elastoplasticity Using the Reciprocal Theorem. Int. Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 47, 379–393.<379::AID-NME776>3.0.CO;2-2
- Fujii, F., Noguchi, H., & Ramm, E. (2000). Static path jumping to attain postbuckling equlibria of a compressed circular cylinder. Computational Mechanics, 26, 259–266.
- Kuhl, D., & Ramm, E. (2000). Time Integration in the Context of Energy Control and Locking Free Finite Elements. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 7, 299–332.
- Kuhl, E., D’Addetta, G. A., Herrmann, H. J., & Ramm, E. (2000). A comparison of discrete granular material models with continuous microplane formulations. Granular Matter, 2, 113–121.
- Kuhl, E., & Ramm, E. (2000). Microplane modelling of cohesive frictional materials. Eur. J. Mech. A / Solids, 19, 121–149.
- Kuhl, E., Ramm, E., & de Borst, R. (2000). An anisotropic gradient damage model for quasi-brittle materials. Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. Eng., 183, 87–103.
- Kuhl, E., Ramm, E., & Willam, K. (2000). Failure Analysis of elasto-plastic material models on different levels of observation. Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 7259–7280.
- Ramm, E. (2000). Entwicklung der Baustatik von 1920 bis 2000. Der Bauingenieur, 75.
- Ramm, E. (2000). From Reissner plate theory to three dimensions in large deformation shell analysis. ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 80, 61–68.<61::AID-ZAMM61>3.0.CO;2-E
- Schleupen, A., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (2000). Adaptive FE-procedure in shape optimization. Structural Optimization, 19, 282–302.
- Schleupen, A., & Ramm, E. (2000). Local and global error estimations in linear structural dynamics. Computers & Structures, 76, 741–756.
- Steeb, H., Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (2000). On local error estimatiors for non-self-adjoint boundary value problems. Zeitschr. f. Angew. Math. u. Mech. (ZAMM), 80, 507–508.
- Wall, W. A., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2000). A deformation dependent stabilization technique, exemplified by EAS-elements at large strains. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 188, 859–871.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (1999). A General Finite Element Approach to the Form Finding of Tensile Structures by the Updated Reference Strategy. Int. J. of Space Struct., 14, 131–145.
- Kuhl, D., & Ramm, E. (1999). Generalized energy-momentum method for non-linear adaptive shell dynamics. Comp. Meth. Appl. Engrg, 178, 343–366.
- Kuhl, E., & Ramm, E. (1999). Simulation of Strain Localization with Gradient Enganced Damage Models. J. Comp. Material Science, 16, 176–185.
- Kun, F., D’Addetta, G. A., Herrmann, H. J., & Ramm, E. (1999). Two-dimensional Dynamic Simulation of Fracture and Fragmentation of Solids. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Science, 6, 385–402.
- Maute, K., Schwarz, S., & Ramm, E. (1999). Structural optimization - The interaction between form and mechanics. ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 79(, 651–673.<651::AID-ZAMM651>3.0.CO;2-O
- Menrath, H., Haufe, A., & Ramm, E. (1999). Ein nichtlineares Materialmodell für FE-Analysen von Stahlverbundträgern. Stahlbau, 68, 703–713.
- Mok, D. P., Wall, W.-A., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1999). On algorithmic aspects of deformation dependent loads in nonlinear finite element analysis. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 79, 561–562.
- Mok, D. P., Wall, W. A., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1999). Algorithmic aspects of deformation dependent loads in nonlinear static finite element analysis. Engineering Computations, 16, 601–618.
- Ramm, E., Burmeister, A., Bischoff, M., & Maute, K. (1999). Schalentragwerke. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dossier Software.
- Bischoff, M., Ramm, E., & Braess, D. (1998). A Class of Equivalent Enhanced Assumed Strain and Hybrid Stress Finite Elements. Comp. Mech., 22, 443–449.
- Choong, K. K., & Ramm, E. (1998). Simulation of Buckling Process of Shells by Using the Finite Element Method. Thin-walled Structures, 31, 39–72.
- Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (1998). A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptivity for linear Elasticity using the Reciprocal Theorem. Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. Eng., 156, 351–362.
- Krämer, S., Kuhl, D., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (1998). Dynamische Analyse der Fußgängerbrücke über den Allmandring in Stuttgart. Bauingenieur, 75, 274–282.
- Kuhl, E., & Ramm, E. (1998). On the linearization of the microplane model. Mech. Cohesive Frictional Materials, 3, 343–364.<343::AID-CFM57>3.0.CO;2-B
- Maute, K., Schwarz, S., & Ramm, E. (1998). Adaptive Topology Optimization of Elastoplastic Structures. Structural Optimization, 15, 81–91.
- Rössle, A., Bischoff, M., Wendland, W., & Ramm, E. (1998). On the Mathematical Foundation of the (1,1,2)-Plate Model. Int. J. of Solids & Structures, 36, 2143–2168.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1997). Shear Deformable Shell Elements for Large Strains and Rotations. Int.J.Num.Meth. in Eng., 40, 4427–4449.<4427::AID-NME268>3.0.CO;2-9
- Fujii, F., & Ramm, E. (1997). Computational bifurcation theory: path-tracing, pinpointing and path-switching. Engineering Structures, 19, 385–392.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1997). Adaptive Topology Optimization of Shell Structures. AIAA J., 35, 1767–1773.
- Ramm, E., Burmeister, A., Bischoff, M., & Maute, K. (1997). Finite Elemente - Schalentragwerke. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 3, 98–102.
- Kuhl, D., & Ramm, E. (1996). Constraint Energy Momentum Algorithm and its Application to Nonlinear Dynamics of Shells. Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics Engineering, 136, 293–315.
- Ramm, E. (1996). Die Golden Gate-Brücke - eine historische Betrachtung. Bauingenieur, 71, 95–107.
- Roehl, D., & Ramm, E. (1996). Large Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Shells with the Enhanced Assumed Strain Concept. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33, 3215–3237.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1995). Adaptive Topology Optimization. Structural Optimization, 10, 100–112.
- Rehle, N., & Ramm, E. (1995). Generieren von FE-Netzen für ebene und gekrümmte Flächentragwerke. Bauingenieur, 70, 357–364.
- Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1995). Buckling and Imperfection Sensitivity in Optimization of Shell Structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 23, 159–177.
- Braun, M., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1994). Nonlinear Shell Formulation for Complete Three-Dimensional Constitutive Laws Including Composites and Laminates. Computational Mechanics, 15, 1–18.
- Büchter, N., Ramm, E., & Roehl, D. (1994). Three-Dimensional Extension of Nonlinear Shell Formulation Based on the Enhanced Assumed Strain Concept. Int. Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 37, 2551–2568.
- Di, S., & Ramm, E. (1994). On Alternative Hybrid Stress 2D and 3D Elements. Engineering Computations, 11, 49–68.
- Reitinger, R., Ramm, E., & Bletzinger, K.-U. (1994). Shape Optimization of Buckling Sensitive Structures. Computing Systems in Engineering, 5, 65–75.
- Andelfinger, U., & Ramm, E. (1993). EAS-Elements for Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional Plate and Shell Structures and Their Equivalence to HR-Elements. Int. Journal of Methods in Engineering, 36, 1311–1337.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (1993). Form finding of shells by structural optimization. Engineering with Computers, 9, 27–35.
- Di, S., & Ramm, E. (1993). Hybrid Stress Formulation for Higher-Order Theory of Laminated Shell Analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 109, 359–376.
- Büchter, N., & Ramm, E. (1992). Shell Theory versus Degeneration - A Comparison in Large Rotation Finite Element Analysis. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering, 34, 39–59.
- Kimmich, S., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1992). Integration of Different Numerical Techniques in Shape Optimization. Structural Optimization, 4, 149–155.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1991). Efficient Modeling in Shape Optimal Design. Computer Systems in Engineering, 2, 483–795.
- Ramm, E., & Mehlhorn, G. (1991). On Shape Finding Methods and Ultimate Load Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shells. Engineering Structures, 13, 178–198.
- Tao, D., & Ramm, E. (1991). Characteristics of Subspace in Reduced Basis Technique. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering, 31, 1567–1583.
- Stander, N., Matzenmiller, A., & Ramm, E. (1989). An Assessment of Assumed Strain Methods in Finite Rotation Shell Analysis. Engineering Computations, 6, 58–66.
- Ramm, E., & Matzenmiller, A. (1988). Consistent Linearization in Elasto-Plastic Shell Analysis. Engineering Computations, 5, 289–298.
- Schweizerhof, K., & Ramm, E. (1987). Follower Force Effects onStability of Shells under Hydrostatic Loads. J. Engineering Mechanics, 113, 72–88.
- Ramm, E., & Weimar, K. (1986). Traglasten unversteifter Trägerstegbleche unter konzentrierten Lasen. Stahlbau, 55, 113–118.
- Schweizerhof, K., & Ramm, E. (1984). Displacement Dependent Pressure Loads in Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. Computers & Structures, 18, 1099–1114.
- Bornscheuer, F.-W., Häfner, L., & Ramm, E. (1983). Zur Stabilität eines Kreiszylindersmit einer Rundschweißnaht unter Axialbelastung. Der Stahlbau, 52, 313–318.
- Brendel, B., & Ramm, E. (1982). Nichtlineare Stabilitätsuntersuchungen mit der Methode der finiten Elemente. Ingenieur-Archiv, 51, 337–362.
- Osterrieder, P., & Ramm, E. (1982). Weitere Grundformeln zur Berechnung von ebenen Stabtragwerken nach der Fließgelenktheorie I. und II. Ordnung mit Systemveränderung. Stahlbau, 51, 237–239.
- Brendel, B., Fischer, D., Ramm, E., & Rammerstorfer, F. G. (1981). Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Thin Cylindrical Shells under Wind Loads. J. Structural Mechanics, 9, 91–113.
- Osterrieder, P., & Ramm, E. (1981). Berechnung von ebenen Stabtragwerken nach der Fließgelenktheorie I. und II. Ordnung unter Verwendung des Weggrößenverfahrens mit Systemveränderung. Stahlbau, 50, 97–104.
- Sättele, J. M., Ramm, E., & Fischer, M. (1981). Traglastkurven einachsig gedrückter Rechteckplatten mit Seitenverhältnissen alpha +- 1 bei vorgegebenen geometrischen Imperfektionen. Stahlbau, 50, 205–210.
- Brendel, B., & Ramm, E. (1980). Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Cylindrical Shells. Computers & Structures, 12, 549–558.
- Bathe, K.-J., Ramm, E., & Wilson, E. L. (1975). Finite Element Formulations for Large Displacement and Large Strain Analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, 353–386.
- Bornscheuer, F.-W., Stein, E., & Ramm, E. (1966). Elastizitätslehre, besonders die Statik der Flächentragwerke im Schrifttum. VDI-Z, 180, 1651–1660.
Articles in proceedings
- Oesterle, B., Bieber, S., Sachse, R., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2018). Intrinsically locking-free formulations for isogeometric beam, plate and shell analysis. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18.
- Oesterle, B., Sachse, R., Bieber, S., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2017). Isogeometric analysis with hierarchic shell elements – intrinsically free from locking by alternative parametrizations. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017. Annette Bögle, Manfred Grohmann (eds.) “Interfaces:”. 25-28th September, 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
- Oesterle, B., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2016). Hierarchic isogeometric analyses of beams and shells. M. Kleiber, T. Burczynski, K. Wilde, J. Gorski, K. Winkelmann, L. Smakosz (Eds.) Ädvances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues". Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics (PCM) & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM), Gdansk, Poland, 8-11 September 2015, 41–46.
- Ramm, E., & Kato, J. (2010). Material Optimization for Textile Reinforced Concrete Applying a Damage Formulation. Proc. of EURO-C 2010, Taylor & Francis, (Nenad Bicanic, René de Borst, Herbert Mang, Günther Meschke, eds.).
- Schneider, B., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2010). Modeling of material failure by the discrete element method. PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Special Issue: 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Karlsruhe 2010. Editor: Prof. Christian Wieners, Volume 10, Issue 1, 685–688.
- Bruss, I., & Ramm, E. (2009). Modeling of continuous curved crack surfaces in three dimensional composite structures. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Extended Finite Element Methods - Recent Developments and Applications, 23–26.
- Kato, J., & Ramm, E. (2009). Multiphase Layout Optimization for Fiber Reinforced Composites applying a Damage Formulation. Proc. 4th Coll. on Textile Reinforced Structures (CTRS4), (M. Curbach, F. Jesse, eds), TU Dresden (Eigenverlag) ISBN 978-3-86780-122-5, 337–354.
- Ramm, E., Burmeister, A., Eitel, L., & Reitinger, R. (2009). Widespanned Retractable Roofs of Thermal Baths in Wörishofen und Erding. Proc. Int. Ass. Shell & Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2009 on Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures, (A. Domingo & C. Lazaro, eds.) Valencia.
- Ramm, E., Schneider, B., & D’Addetta, G. A. (2009). Fragmentation of Cohesive Materials Modeled by Polygonal Discrete Elements. E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen (eds.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Particle-Based Methods (Particles 2009), Barcelona, Extended Abstract, 25–28.
- Ramm, E. (2009). The Logic of Form - The Interplay between Geometry and Physics. Proc. Int. Ass. Shell & Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2009 on Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures, (A. Domingo & C. Lazaro, eds.) Valencia, Extended Abstract.
- Ramm, E., Hilchenbach, F., Kato, J., & Lipka, A. (2009). Design Optimization of Heterogeneous Materials for Non-Linear Response. X Int. Conference ’Comp. Plasticity (COMPLAS X), (E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen, eds), Barcelona - Extended Abstract.
- Ramm, E., von Scheven, M., Förster, C., & Wall, W. A. (2009). Interaction of Incompressible Flows and Thin-Walled Structures. ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium. New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids., ( J. Eberhardsteiner, Ch. Hellmich, H. Mang, J. Périaux, eds.), Springer, 219–233.
- Schneider, B., D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2009). Application of the Discrete Element Method to Quasibrittle Materials. E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen (eds.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Particle-Based Methods (Particles 2009), Barcelona, Extended Abstract, 97–100.
- Cichosz, T., Bischoff, M., Hartmann, S., & Ramm, E. (2008). Non-linear dynamic contact of thin-walled structures. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8, 10267–10268.
- Ramm, E. (2008). Alex C. Scordelis’ Great Achievements in Bridge Engineering - From Computer Programs to the Golden-Gate-Bridge Retrofit. Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM 2008), (J.F. Abel & J.R. Cooke, eds.), Ithaca, Extended Abstract.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (2008). Die Statik wird dynamisch - Modellbildungen und Anwendungen. Baustatik-Baupraxis 10, Universität Karlsruhe (TH).
- Ramm, E., von Scheven, M., Förster, C., & Wall, W. A. (2008). Thin-walled Structures Interacting with Incompressible Flows. Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures IASS-IACM 2008: “Spanning Nano to Mega” 28-31 May 2008, Ithaca, NY, USA John F. ABEL and J. Robert COOKE (eds.).
- von Scheven, M., Tiyyagura, S. R., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2007). Efficiency Issues of Partitioned Solution in Fluid-Structure Interaction. Extended Abstract in Proc. of International Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain, Mai 21-23.
- Burmeister, A., Eitel, L., Ramm, E., & Reitinger, R. (2006). Weitgespannte verfahrbare Dächer - Thermen in Erding und Bad Wörishofen. Tagungsband 10. Dresdner Baustatik-Seminar “Neue Bauweisen - Trends in Statik und Dynamik”, Dresden, Germany.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Schneider, B., & Ramm, E. (2006). Particle Models for Cohesive Frictional Materials. G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic (eds.): Proceedings Intern. Conf. on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2006), Balkema Publ., 269–280.
- de Wit, A. J., Lipka, A., Ramm, E., & van Keulen, F. (2006). Multi-level optimization of material and structural layout. Proc. of 3rd Europ. Conf. on Comp. Mech., Lisbon 2006, “Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering”, (eds. C.A. Mota-Soares et al.), Springer.
- Erhart, T., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Impact Large Deformation Processes of Geomaterials. Proceedings Intern. Conf. on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2006), G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic (eds), Balkema Publ., 85–87.
- Förster, C., Genkinger, S., Neumann, M., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Fluid-Structure Interaction of Incompressible Flows and Slender Structures. Multifield Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, (Helmig, R., Mielke, A., Wohlmuth, B.I., eds.), Vol. 28, LNACM Series, Springer.
- Förster, C., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). The Artificial Added Mass Effect in Sequential Staggered Fluid-Structure Interaction Algorithms. Proc. of European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2006.
- Hartmann, S., Brunssen, S., Ramm, E., & Wohlmuth, B. (2006). A primal-dual active set strategy for unilateral non-linear dynamic contact problems of thin-walled structures. Proc. of 3rd Europ. Conf. on Comp. Mech., Lisbon 2006, “Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering”, (eds. C.A. Mota-Soares et al.), Springer.
- Hartmann, S., Brunssen, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Ramm, E. (2006). An energy conserving primal-dual active set strategy for unilateral non-linear dynamic contact problems. Proc. of 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 16-22, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Hartmann, S., Brunssen, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Ramm, E. (2006). Unilateral dynamic contact of thin-walled structures. Proc. of International Conference on Multifield Problems, October 4-6, Stuttgart, Deutschland.
- Hartmann, S., Brunssen, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Ramm, E. (2006). An energy conserving primal-dual active set strategy for unilateral non-linear dynamic contact problems. Proc. of Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis, 19.-22. September, Obergurgl, Österreich.
- Kato, J., Lipka, A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Preliminary investigation for optimization of fiber-reinforced cementitious composite structures. Proc. of 3rd Europ. Conf. on Comp. Mech., Lisbon 2006, “Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering” (eds. C.A. Mota-Soares et al.) Springer.
- Neumann, M., Küttler, U., Tiyyagura, S. R., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Computational Efficiency of Parallel Unstructured Finite Element Simulations. in M. Resch, T. Bönisch, K. Benkert, T. Furui, Y. Seo, W. Bez (eds.), “High Performance Computing on Vector Systems. Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March” Springer.
- Neumann, M., Tiyyagura, S. R., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2006). Robustness and Efficiency Aspects for Computational Fluid Structure Interaction. in E. Krause, Y.I. Shokin, M. Resch, N. Shokina (eds.), “Computational Science and High Performance Computing II. The 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, March 14 to 16”, Series: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM), 91, Springer.
- Ramm, E., Förster, C., Neumann, M., & Wall, W. A. (2006). Interaction of Shells and Membranes with Incompressible Flows. Proc. of 3rd Europ. Conf. on Comp. Mech., Lisbon 2006, “Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering”, (eds. C.A. Mota-Soares et al.), Springer, 459–476.
- Ramm, E., Hund, A., & Hettich, T. (2006). A Variational Multiscale Model for Composites with Special Emphasis on the X-FEM and Level Sets. Proceedings Intern. Conf. on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2006), G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic (eds), Balkema Publ., 13–14.
- Wall, W. A., Gerstenberger, A., Gamnitzer, P., Förster, C., & Ramm, E. (2006). Large Deformation Fluid-Structure Interaction - Advances in ALE Methods and New Fixed Grid Approaches. Fluid-Structure-Interaction: Modelling - Simulation - Optimization, LNSCE 53, Springer.
- Burmeister, A., Rahm, H., & Ramm, E. (2005). Dynamisches Verhalten von Bauteilen unter kurzzeitigen Einwirkungen. Proc. Tagung Baustatik-Baupraxis 9, Dresden, Germany, 97–108.
- D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2005). A Particle Model for Cohesive Frictional Materials. Proceedings 5th GRACM Int. Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Hartmann, S., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2005). On the Performance of 3D Elements for Shell Analysis with Non-Linear Softening Plasticity Models. Proc. of VIII Conference on Computational Plasticity (Complas 2005), September 5-7, Barcelona, Spain.
- Hund, A., Hettich, T., & Ramm, E. (2005). Aspects of Microformulation and Locality Constraints within a Multiscale Model for Nonlinear Behaviour of Composites. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Salzburg, Austria.
- Hund, A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Application of the Variational Multiscale Method to Damage of Composites. Proc. Of the 11th International Conference on Fracture, Turin, Italy.
- Hund, A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Investigation of Constraints for Small Scale Solution within a Multiscale Model for Composites. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Plasticity VIII, Barcelona, Spain.
- Lipka, A., & Ramm, E. (2005). A concept for the optimization of metal foam structures. Proc. Of the 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization WCSMO6, May 26 - June 3, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Lipka, A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Material topology optimization of cellular and solid structures. Seminar on Shape and Topological Sensitivity Analysis LNCC, Juni 6-9, Petropolis, Brazil.
- Lipka, A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Optimization of foam filled structures using gradient based algorithms. Proc. of the IUTAM SYMPOSIUM: topoptSymp2005, Topological design optimization of structures, machines and materials status and perspectives, October 26- 29 , Rungstedgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Neumann, M., Tiyyagura, S. R., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2005). Efficiency Aspects for Advanced Fluid Finite Element Formulations. Extended Abstract in Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Salzburg, Austria, June 1-4.
- Ramm, E., Erhart, T., & Wall, W. A. (2005). Numerical Modelling of Transient Impact Processes with Large Deformations and Nonlinear Material Behavior. Proceedings 8th Intern. Conf. on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS VIII). eds. E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, Barcelona.
- Ramm, E., Erhart, T., & Wall, W. A. (2005). Numerical modeling of transient impact processes with large deformations and nonlinear material behavior. “Computational Plasticity” Selected Papers of COMPLAS 8, (eds. E. Onate, D.J.R. Owen) Springer.
- D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2004). Discrete Models for Geomaterials. Proc. of the NATO-ARW Workshop on Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Computer Models in Non-linear Analysis and Optimal Design of Engineering Structures under extreme Conditions, Bled, Slovenja, 13–17.
- D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2004). Discrete Models for Geomaterials. Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials, CDM 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, 27/28 September 2004, Balkema Publ., 69–99.
- D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2004). Discrete Models and Their Application in Damage Mechanics. Proc. of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2004, Warsaw, Poland, 15–21.
- Gee, M., Ramm, E., & Wall, W. A. (2004). Parallel Multilevel Solution of Nonlinear Shell Structures. Proc. of World Conf. on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI), Beijing, PR China.
- Kemmler, R., Ramm, E., & Lipka, A. (2004). Stability and Large Deformations in Structural Optimization. Proc. of the NATO-ARW Workshop on Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Computer Models in Non-linear Analysis and Optimal Design of Engineering Structures under extreme Conditions, Bled, Slovenja, 13–17.
- Ramm, E., D’Addetta, G. A., & Leukart, M. (2004). From Microscopic to Macroscopic Modeling of Geomaterials. Proc. of the IV European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2004 Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Bischoff, M., Bletzinger, K.-U., Düster, A., Kizio, S., Neumann, J., Rank, E., Ramm, E., & Schweizerhof, K. (2003). Comparision of different FE shell formulations applied on numerical examples with adaptively generated FE meshes. K.-J. Bathe (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier Science.
- Erhart, T., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2003). A Continuum Approach for the Dynamic Simulation of Powder-like Materials. Proc. of the VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
- Erhart, T., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2003). A Numerical Model for Simulation of Dry Powder Compaction. Proc. of the 21st CAD-FEM users’ meeting, Potsdam, Germany.
- Genkinger, S., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2003). A Parallel Computational Approach for Free Surface Flows with Structural Interactions. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 3, 276–277.
- Gravemeier, V., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2003). Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by a Three-Level Finite Element Method. Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Hörmann, M., Ramm, E., & Wall, W. A. (2003). Nonlinear Failure Analysis of Laminated Composite Shells. Proc. of the VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
- Ramm, E., D’Addetta, G. A., & Leukart, M. (2003). Interrelations between Continuum and Discontinuum Models for Geomaterials. Proc. of the VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
- Ramm, E., Gee, Mi., & Wall, W. A. (2003). A multilevel approach to the solution of large-scale nonlinear shell problems. Finite Element Methods: 1970’s and beyond L. P. Franca (Ed.), E CIMNE, Barcelona.
- Wall, W. A., Mok, D. P., & Ramm, E. (2003). Iterative Substructuring Schemes for Fluid Structure Interaction. “Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems” (W.L. Wendland, M. Efendiev, eds.). Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Springer, 349–360.
- Burmeister, A., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (2002). Dynamik von Gebäuden für sensitive Chip -Produktionen. Tagungsband Baustatik-Baupraxis 8, Institut für Statik, TU Braunschweig.
- Burmeister, A., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (2002). Dynamik von Gebäuden für sensitive Chip-Produktionen. in: Proc. of Baustatik-Baupraxis 8, Institut für Statik, TU Braunschweig.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Ramm, E., Diebels, S., & Ehlers, E. (2002). Homogenization for Particle Assemblies. in: Proc. of the Third International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 23-25 September 2002, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 117 (eds. B.K. Cook & R.P. Jensen), 259–264.
- Gravemeier, V., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2002). A Three-Level Approach for Incompressible Navier-Stokes. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A., Rammerstorfer, F.G., Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Hörmann, M., & Ramm, E. (2002). Modeling of Delamination in Laminated Composites. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A., Rammerstorfer, F.G., Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Leukart, M., & Ramm, E. (2002). An Alternative Split within the Microplane Material Model. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A., Rammerstorfer, F.G., Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Ramm, E., & Kemmler, R. (2002). Stability and Large Deformations in Structural Optimization. Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, Warsaw, Poland, 443–454.
- Ramm, E., & Wall, W. A. (2002). Shells in Advanced Computational Environment. Plenary paper, in: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), H. Mang et al. (eds.), Vienna, Austria, July, 7th - 12th.
- Ramm, E., Wall, W. A., Gee, M., Hoermann, M., & Lipka, A. (2002). Shells in Advanced Computational Environment. Proc. of the World Congress on Comp. Mechanics WCCM5, July 7-12, Vienna, Austria.
- Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2002). Consequences of the Extreme Slenderness of Simulation of Shells in Advanced Computational Environment. “Validation of FEM Analyses - Models and Results”. NAFEMS.
- Burmeister, A., Ramm, E., & Reitinger, R. (2001). Glass Structures of German Expo 2000 Pavilion. Proc. Int. Symposiumon Theory, Design and Realization of Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS, Nagoya, Japan.
- Burmeister, A., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (2001). Glas - Umgang mit einem spröden Material. Tagungsband 5. Dresdner Baustatik-Seminar “Vermeidung von Bauschäden - Aufgabe der Tragwerksplanung”, B. Müller, B. Dressel (Hrsg.), Oktober.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Kun, F., & Ramm, E. (2001). Fracture simulation of cohesive frictional materials by discrete element models. Proc. of the Fourth International Conference Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, N. Bicanic (Ed.), Glasgow, UK, 06-08 June.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Kun, F., Ramm, E., & Herrmann, H. J. (2001). From solids to granulates - Discrete element simulations of fracture and fragmentation processes in geomaterials. “Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials” (Proc. of “Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials CDM 2000”, Stuttgart, Germany, 27-28 April 2000), Lecture Notes in Physics (LNP) 568, Springer, Berlin, 31–46.
- Haufe, A., & Ramm, E. (2001). A Computational Model for Double-Head Studs. Proc. of Symposium on Connections between Steel and Concrete, Stuttgart, Sept. 9-12th.
- Kuhl, E., D’Addetta, G. A., Leukart, M., & Ramm, E. (2001). Microplane modelling and particle modelling of cohesive-frictional materials. “Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials” (Proc. of “Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials CDM 2000”, Stuttgart, Germany, 27-28 April 2000), Lecture Notes in Physics (LNP) 568, Springer, Berlin, 31–46.
- Lipka, A., Schwarz, S., & Ramm, E. (2001). Topology optimization of three-dimensional structures with consideration of elastoplastic structural response. in: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics - ECCM 2001, Cracow, Poland.
- Mok, D. P., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2001). Accelerated iterative substructuring schemes for instationary fluid structure interaction. Proc. of the First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, USA, 12-14 June.
- Ramm, E., & Wall, W. A. (2001). Interaction of Fluids and Thin Structures. Plenary paper, in: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics - ECCM 2001, Cracow, Poland.
- Gee, M., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2000). Parallel iterative solvers in nonlinear shell analysis. in: Proceedings of GAMM 2000, Göttingen, 2.-7. April 2000, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM).
- Haufe, A., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (2000). A comparison of plasticity models for thin-walled reinforced concrete structures. Proc. of “ECCOMAS”, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14. September.
- Haufe, A., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (2000). Numerical simulation of high strength steel - high strength concrete composite structures. 6th Conf. ASCCS March 2000, Los Angeles, USA.
- Ramm, E., D’Addetta, G. A., & Kuhl, E. (2000). Geomaterials: Continuum or Discontinuum, that is the question. Proc. of “COMPLAS 6”, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14. September.
- Ramm, E., Kemmler, R., & Schwarz, S. (2000). Formfinding and optimization of shell structures. Proc. of “IASS-IACM 2000”, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Chania, Crete, Greece, 4-7 June.
- Ramm, E., Schwarz, S., & Kemmler, R. (2000). Advances in structural optimization including nonlinear mechanics. Proc. of “ECCOMAS 2000”, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 September.
- Ramm, E., Schwarz, S., Kemmler, R., & Lipka, A. (2000). Structural optimization - The interaction of form and mechanics. Proc. of 18. CAD-FEM Users Meeting, Internationale FEM- Technologietage, 20-22 September, Friedrichshafen, Germany.
- Steeb, H., & Ramm, E. (2000). A general framework for local error estimation applied to material nonlinear problems. European Congress on Comput. Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 11-14 September 2000.
- Wall, W. A., Gee, M., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2000). Tuning of a 3D shell model in nonlinear statics and dynamics. Extended Abstracts of the 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, USA.
- Wall, W. A., Gee, M., & Ramm, E. (2000). The challenge of a three-dimensional shell formulation - the conditioning problem. Proc. of “IASS-IACM 2000”, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Chania, Crete, Greece, 4-7 June.
- Wall, W. A., Mok, D. P., & Ramm, E. (2000). Simulation of nonlinear shells interacting with instationary flows. Proc. of “IASS-IACM 2000”, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Chania, Crete, Greece, 4-7 June.
- Wall, W. A., Mok, D., Schmidt, J., & Ramm, E. (2000). Partitioned analysis of transient nonlinear fluid structure interaction problems including free surface effects. Multifield Problems: State of the Art, A.-M. Sändig, W. Schiehlen, W.L. Wendland (Eds.), Springer, Germany, 159–166.
- Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (2000). A coupled fluid structure environment with a three-dimensional shell model. Proc. of “ECCOMAS 2000”, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 September.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1999). Solid-like shell or shell-like solid formulation? A personal view. Proc. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Munich, Germany, 31 August - 3 September.
- Bischoff, M., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (1999). Stabilized enhanced assumed strain elements for large strain analysis without artificial kinematic modes. Proc. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Munich, Germany, 31 August - 3 September.
- D’Addetta, G. A., Kuhl, E., Ramm, E., & Kun, F. (1999). Micromechanical Modelling of “Concrete” Cracking. Proc. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Munich, Germany, 31 August - 3 September.
- Haufe, A., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (1999). Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Structures. Conference Proceedings of ASCE Structures Congress 1999, New Orleans, USA, April 18-21.
- Hörmann, M., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (1999). Finite Element Investigation of Concrete Slabs Post Strengthened by Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Proceedings ASCE Structures Congress, New Orleans, USA, 174–178.
- Hörmann, M., Menrath, H., Ramm, E., & Seible, F. (1999). Ertüchtigung von Stahlbetonplatten durch faserverstärkte Kunststoffe-Versuche und FE-Rechnungen. Proceedings of “Baustatik-Baupraxis VII”, 18./19. März 1999, RWTH Aachen, K. Meskouris (ed), Balkema, Rotterdam.
- Kemmler, R., Schwarz, S., & Ramm, E. (1999). Topology optimization including geometrically nonlinear response. Proceedings of the 3rd Wolrd Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May, 17-21, 1999, Buffalo, USA.
- Mok, D. P., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (1999). Partitioned multi-time step FE-analysis for nonlinear structural dynamics. Structural Dynamics - EURODYN’99, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. of the European Association for Structural Dynamics, Prague, 7-10 June 1999, L. Fryba, J. Naprstek (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 351–356.
- Ramm, E. (1999). Stellungnahme aus der Sicht eines Ingenieurwissenschaftlers. Die Zukunft der Grundlagenforschung. (Hrsg. C.Zintzen), Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. F. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 55–58.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (1999). Punktgestützte Gläser als tragende Konstruktion. Proceedings of “Baustatik-Baupraxis VII”, 18./19. März 1999, RWTH Aachen, K. Meskouris (ed), Balkema, Rotterdam, 177–184.
- Schleupen, A., & Ramm, E. (1999). A-posteriori error estimates for local and global variables in linear elastodynamics. Structural Dynamics - EURODYN’99, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. of the European Association for Structural Dynamics, Prague, 7-10 June 1999, L. Fryba, J. Naprstek (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 115–120.
- Schmidt, J., Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (1999). Transient free surface flows via a stabilized ALE finite element method. Proc. GAMM 99, Metz, France, 12-16 April.
- Schwarz, S., Kemmler, R., & Ramm, E. (1999). Shape and topology optimization with nonlinear structural response. Proc. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Munich, Germany, 31 August - 3 September.
- Steeb, H., Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (1999). On Local Error Estimators for Non-self-adjoint Boundary Value Problems. Proceedings GAMM99, Metz, France, April. ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
- Wall, W. A., Mok, D. P., & Ramm, E. (1999). Partitioned analysis approach for the transient, coupled response of viscous fluids and flexible structures. Proc. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Munich, Germany, 31 August - 3 September.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1998). Three-dimensional Shell Formulation and Elements for large Deformations. Proc. of IUTAM/IACM Symposium on Discretisation Methods in Structural Mechanics II, H. Mang, F. Rammerstorfer (eds), Vienna, 2-6 June 1997, 27–34.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1998). A unified approach for shear-locking-free triangular and rectangular shell elements. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (1998). Adaptive Methods for nonlinear FE Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures. Proc. of IUTAM/IACM Symposium on Discretisation Methods in Structural Mechanics II, H. Mang, F. Rammersdorfer (eds), Vienna, 2-6 June 1997.
- Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (1998). A-posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptivity for the Finite Element Method using duality Principles. Proc. GAMM 98 Annual Meeting, A. Fischer, D. Hinrichsen, H.J. Rath, M. Wanschura (eds.), GAMM Conf. 1998, 6-9.April, Bremen, Germany. ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 79 (S1), 139–152.
- Cirak, F., Schleupen, A., & Ramm, E. (1998). Error Estimates for local and global variables using duality principles. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Fujii, F., Noguchi, H., & Ramm, E. (1998). Static Path Jumping and Stable Postbuckling Equilibria of an Axially Compressed Circular Cylindrical Shell. Proceedings, Int. Conference on Engineering Science - ICES 98 (eds. S.N. Atluri and P.E. O’Donoghue), Techn. Science Press 1998, Vol I, 637–642.
- Hörmann, M., Menrath, H., Ramm, E., & Seible, F. (1998). Strengthening of Concrete Slabs by Externally Bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymers - Experimental and Finite Element Investigation. Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mechanics of Composite Structures, C. A. Mota Soares, C. M. Mota Soares, M. J. M. Freitas (eds.), Troia, Portugal, July 12-24.
- Kuhl, D., & Ramm, E. (1998). Generalized energy-momentum method for non-linear dynamics of shells. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Kuhl, E., Borst, R. D., & Ramm, E. (1998). A gradient enhancement with application to anisotropic continuum damage. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Kuhl, E., Ramm, E., & Borst, R. D. (1998). Anisotropic gradient damage with the microplane model. Proceedings of EURO-C 1998, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, G. Meschke (eds), Badgastein, Austria, March 31 - April 3, 1998, Balkema, Rotterdam.
- Menrath, H., Haufe, A., & Ramm, E. (1998). A Model for Composite Steel-Concrete Structures. Proceedings of EURO-C 1998, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, G. Meschke (eds), Badgastein, Austria, March 31 - April 3, 1998, Balkema, Rotterdam.
- Mok, D. P., Wall, W. A., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1998). Load stiffness matrices for follower loads in nonlinear FE analysis. Proc. GAMM 98 Annual Meeting, A. Fischer, D. Hinrichsen, H.J. Rath, M. Wanschura (eds.), GAMM Conf. 1998, 6-9. April, Bremen, Germany. ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 79 (S2), 561–562.
- Ramm, E., & Bletzinger, K.-U. (1998). Structural Optimization and Formfinding of Lightweight Structures. Proceedings, Int. Conference on Lightweight Structures in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (LSA 98), Sydney, Australia.
- Ramm, E., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Maute, K. (1998). Structural Optimization. Proc. of IASS-Colloquium on Current and Emerging Technologies of Shells and Spatial Structures’, Madrid, Spain, 28-30 April, 201–216.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (1998). Punktgestützte Glasfassaden - Konstruktive Aspekte und ausgeführte Projekte. VDI-Seminar, 25.11.1998, Stuttgart, Deutschland.
- Ramm, E., & Maute, K. (1998). Tragwerksoptimierung als Entwurfshilfe - Erste Ansätze. Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis. P. Wriggers, U. Meißner, E. Stein, W. Wunderlich (eds.), Ernst & Sohn Berlin (1998), Proc. of FEM’98 at Darmstadt, 35–48.
- Ramm, E., Maute, K., & Schwarz, S. (1998). Adaptive topology and shape optimization. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Ramm, E., Maute, K., & Schwarz, S. (1998). Conceptual design by structural optimization. Proceedings of EURO-C 1998, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, G. Meschke (eds), Badgastein, Austria, March 31 - April 3, 1998, Balkema, Rotterdam, 879–896.
- Schwarz, S., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1998). Topology and Shape Optimization including Elastoplastic Material Behavior. Proceedings of the 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, September, 2-4, 1911–1921.
- Wall, W. A., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1998). Stabilization techniques for fluid and structural finite elements. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Wall, W. A., & Ramm, E. (1998). Fluid-structure interaction based upon a stabilized (ALE) finite element method. Proceedings of fourth WCCM, E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn (eds.), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29 - July 2, 1998, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1997). Three-dimensional shell formulation and elements for large deformations. Aspects in Modern Computational Analysis, Festschrift für Prof. Krätzig, K. Meskouris, U. Wittek (eds), Balkema, 111–120.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1997). Reliable Three-Dimensional Shell Elements for Arbitrarily Large Deformations. Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress ’97 on Design, Simulation & Optimisation, Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods, NAFEMS (ed), printed by Bell&Bain Ltd Glasgow, Stuttgart, Germany, 9-11 April, 628–639.
- Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1997). Three-dimensional shell formulation and elements for large deformations. H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer (eds.) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium in Dicretization Methods in Structural Mechanics II, Vienna, Austria.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1997). Neue Entwicklungen und Anwendungen der Tragwerksoptimierung. 6. Massivbau Seminar: 24/25.1.1997 Neu-Ulm 14/15.3.1997 Lindau, Die Bauakademie Biberach.
- Cirak, F., & Ramm, E. (1997). Adaptive Methods for the Nonlinear FE Analysis of Shell Structures. Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress ’97 on Design, Simulation & Optimisation, Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods, NAFEMS (ed), printed by Bell&Bain Ltd Glasgow, Stuttgart, Germany, 9-11 April, 1074–1086.
- Maute, K., Ramm, E., & Schwarz, S. (1997). Adaptive Topologie- und Formoptimierung bei linearem und nichtlinearem Strukturverhalten. Seminarunterlagen zum NAFEMS Seminar Topologieoptimierung, Aalen, 23 September.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1997). General Shape Optimization of Thin-walled Structures on prescribed Surfaces. Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress ’97 on Design, Simulation & Optimisation, Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods, NAFEMS (ed), printed by Bell&Bain Ltd Glasgow, Stuttgart, Germany, 9-11 April, 61–72.
- Menrath, H., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1997). Topology Optimization including Elastoplasticity. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity, D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, E.Hinton (eds), CIMNE (Complas 5), Barcelona, Spain, 17-20 March, 817–822.
- Ramm, E. (1997). Personal Reflections on Eric Reissner. The Reissner Symposium on Applied Mechanics & Mathematics, Uni. of Calif., San Diego, La Jolla, 5 Jan.
- Ramm, E. (1997). The Golden Gate Bridge - A historical Perspective. Innovation in Civil and Construction Engineering (ed.: Leeming, M.B., Topping,B.H.V.), Cambridge, England, Aug. 19-21 1997, Civil-Comp Press Edinburgh, 359–372.
- Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (1997). Static and dynamic analyses of shells for large strains and rotations. Y.B. Yang (ed.) Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Computation of Shells and Spatial Structures (ICCSS), Taipeh, Taiwan, and K. Meskouris (ed.) Aspects in Modern Computational Structural Analysis, Festschrift für Professor Krätzig, Balkema, 19–28.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (1997). Glass as Structure. Proc. of Int. IASS-Symposium on “Design, Construction, Performance & Economics”, S.P. Chiew (ed), Singapore, 10-14 November, 81–91.
- Ramm, E., & Cirak, F. (1997). Adaptivity for Nonlinear Thin-walled Structures. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity, D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, E.Hinton (eds), CIMNE(Complas 5), Barcelona, Spain, 17-20 March, 145–163.
- Rössle, A., Bischoff, M., Wendland, W., & Ramm, E. (1997). On the Mathematical Foundation of the (1,1,2)-Plate Model. Bericht 97/47 des SFB 404 “Mehrfeldprobleme der Kontinuumsmechanik.”
- Schwarz, S., Maute, K., Menrath, H., & Ramm, E. (1997). Adaptive Topology Optimization including Elastoplasticity. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, W. Gutkowski, Z. Mröz (eds), Zakopane, Poland, May 26-30, 569–574.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1996). Structural Concepts by Optimization. Proc. of IASS-Symposium on “Conceptional Design of Structures”, Stuttgart, Oct. 7-11, 169–177.
- Choong, K. K., & Ramm, E. (1996). Simulation of the Dynamic Buckling Process of Cylindrical Shells by the Finite Element Method. ICASS ’96: International conference on Adavances in Steel Structures, Hong Kong, 11-14 December, 11–14.
- Hausser, C., & Ramm, E. (1996). Efficient Shear Deformable 3-Node Plate/Shell Elements - An Almost Hopeless Untertaking. Advances in Finite Element Technology (ed.: Topping,B.H.V.), Budapest, Aug. 21-23, 203–215.
- Kuhl, D., & Ramm, E. (1996). Conservation of Energy and Momentum for Implicit Single Step Time Integration Schemes. EURODYN ’96, 3rd European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Florence, June 5-8, 349–356.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1996). Adaptivity in Structural Optimization. Advances in Optimazation for Structural Engineering (ed.: Topping,B.H.V.), Budapest, Aug. 21-23 1996, Civil-Comp Press Edinburgh, 227–237.
- Ramm, E. (1996). “Force Follows Form” oder “Form Follows Force.” Teichmann, K., Wilke, J. (ed): Prozeß und Form “Natürlicher Konstruktionen” Der Sonderforschungsbereich 230 (Universität Stuttgart) , Ernst & Sohn Berlin, 68–73.
- Ramm, E., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Maute, K. (1996). Strukturoptimierung - Das Wechselspiel zwischen Form und Kraft. Beitrag im Anschlussbuch Sonderforschungsbereich 230: Natürliche Konstruktionen, 1–26.
- Ramm, E., & Maute, K. (1996). Adaptive Topology Optimization of Shell Structures. AIAA, Proc. Sixth Intern. AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisplinary Analysis and Optimatzation, Bellevue Washington, USA, September 4-6 1996. Aug. 21-23, 1133–1141.
- Ramm, E., & Maute, K. (1996). Transition from Shape to Topology Optimization. Proc. of 3rd ECCOMAS Fluid Dynamics Conference and 2nd ECCOMAS Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, (ed.: Desideri,J.-A. et al.), Paris, France Sept. 9-13, Wiley&Sons Chichester, 132–143.
- Ramm, E., & Rehle, N. (1996). Qualitätssicherung durch angepaßte FE-Netze - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Tagung Baustatik-Baupraxis (BB6), Weimar, Deutschland, März.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1995). Form und Funktion - Die Ermittlung idealer Schalentragwerke mit den Methoden der Strukturoptimierung. Kull, U., Ramm, E., Reiner, R. (ed) Evolution und Optimierung - Strategien in Natur und Technik. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 73–93.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K., Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1995). Layout of Linear and Nonlinear Structures by Shape and Topology Optimization. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems (eds: D.Bestle, W.Schiehen) , Kluwer Academic Publ. 1996, Universität Stuttgart, 26-31 März, 49–56.
- Fujii, F., & Ramm, E. (1995). Computational Bifurcation Theory-Path-Tracing, Pinpointing and Path-Switching. Proceedings of Int. Conference on Stability of Strutures (ICSS-95), Coimbatore, India, June.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1995). General Shape Optimization - an integrated Model for Topology and Shape Optimization. Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Structural and Mulitdisciplinary Optimization, Goslar, Germany, May 28 - June 2, 299–306.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1995). Structural Topology Optimization. Proceedings of the 5th Internation Conference on Reliablility of Finite Element Methods for Engineering Applications, Glasgow: NAFEMS ’95, 75–93.
- Ramm, E. (1995). “Force Follows Form oder Form Follow Force”. Die Wechselwirkung von Form und Kraft bei Flächentragwerken. Prozess und Form natürlicher Konstruktionen - Der Sonderforschungsbereich 230 (Universität Stuttgart) (Hrsg. K. Teichmann, J. Wilke), Ernst & Sohn, 68.
- Ramm, E., Braun, M., & Bischoff, M. (1995). Higher Order Nonlinear Shell Formulations-Theory and Application. Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present and Future, Proceedings of the IASS International Symposium, June 5-9 1995, Milano, Italia, 393–400.
- Ramm, E., Maute, K., & Reitinger, R. (1995). Shape and Topology Optimization of Structures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, 30 Juli - 3 August 1995, Hawai, USA, 501–506.
- Ramm, E., & Stein, E. (1995). Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis. Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis, Ernst & Sohn Berlin, 337–347.
- Rehle, N., & Ramm, E. (1995). Adaptive Vernetzung bei mehreren Lastfällen. Tagungsband der FEM’ 95, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin: Februar, 337–347.
- Rehle, N., & Ramm, E. (1995). Is Adaptivity Applicable for serveral Loadcases. Proceedings of the 6th Int. conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Berlin, July 12-15, 595–605.
- Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1995). Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures by Accurately Locating Singular Points. Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Structural and Mulitdisciplinary Optimization, Goslar, Germany, May 28 - June 2, 471–476.
- Roehl, D., & Ramm, E. (1995). Analysis of Large Elastoplastic deformations with EAS Hybrid Finite Elements. XVI-th CILAMCE, Iberian Latin American Conf. on Comp. Meth. for Engineering, 29. Nov.-01.Dec.
- Trautz, M., & Ramm, E. (1995). Structural Studies on Antonelli’s San Gaudenzio. Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present, and Future (IASS ’95), (ed. G.C. Giuliani), Milano, Italy, June.
- Braun, M., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1994). Higher Order Nonlinear Shell Formulations- A Step Back into Three Dimensions. Bell, K. (ed) From Finite Elements to the Troll Platform, Department of Structural Engineering, The Norwegian Institute of Technology,Trondheim, Norway, 65–88.
- Braun, M., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (1994). Nonlinear three-dimensional Analysis of Composite and Laminated Plate and Shell Structures. Hughes, T.J.R., Oñate, E., Zienkiewicz, O.C. (ed) Recent Developments in Finite Element Analysis, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 215–224.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1994). The Genesis of Continuum Structures. Evolution of Natural Structures. Proceedings of the 3. Int. Symposium of SFB 230, Mitteilungen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 230, Heft 9, Stuttgart, 81–86.
- Maute, K., & Ramm, E. (1994). Adaptive Techniques in Topology Optimization. Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Panama City, Florida, September 7-9, 121–131.
- Ramm, E., & Bletzinger, K.-U. (1994). St. Geneviève in Paris (1790)- Eine Studie zum Tragverhalten. Festschrift Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Zumpe, TU Dresden.
- Ramm, E., Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K., & Reitinger, R. (1994). The challenge of structural optimization. Topping, B.H.V, Papadrakakis, M. (ed) Advances in Structural Optimization, Int. Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athen, August. Civil Comp Press, 27–52.
- Ramm, E., & Maute, K. (1994). Topology Optimization - A General Tool in Structural Design. Mang, H., Bicanic, N., de Borst, R. (ed) Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the Euro-C 1994, Innsbruck, Austria, March 1994. Swansea: Pineridge Press, 805–824.
- Ramm, E., & Maute, K. (1994). Topology Optimization of Plate and Shell Structures. Proceedings of the IASS-ASCE International Symposium on Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures, Atlanta, USA, April 1994 (eds. J.F. Abel, J.W. Leonhard, C.U. Penalba), ASCE, 946–955.
- Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1994). Maximizing Structural Efficiency Including Buckling and Imperfection Sensitivity. Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Panama City, Florida, September 7-9, 1228–1238.
- Suanno, R., & Ramm, E. (1994). Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Structures with Coupling of Plasticity and Damage Theories. In : Bazant, Z.P., Bittnar, M., Jirásek, Mazars, J. (ed) Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures, Proceedings of the US-Europe Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-23 September. Great Britain : E & F Spon., 519–532.
- Hofmann, T. J., & Ramm, E. (1993). Erfassung der mittragenden Breite durch eine verfeinerte Balkentheorie. In : Schweizerhof, K., Heil, W. (ed) Festschrift U. Vogel. Universität Karlsruhe.
- Ramm, E., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Reitinger, R. (1993). Shape optimization of shell structures. In : a) Seiken - IASS Symposium on “Nonlinear Analysis and Design of Shell and Spatial Structures”, Tokyo, Japan, Oktober 1993, IASS - Bulletin 34, pp 103-121, b) Revue européene des éléments finis 2, pp 377-398, c) Festschrift Peter Klement, Institut für Baustatik, TU Graz, Beitrag 10.
- Ramm, E., Fleischmann, N., & Burmeister, A. (1993). Modellierung mit Faltwerkselementen. Tagung, “Baustatik-Baupraxis 5”, München, März, 5.1-5.19.
- Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1993). Explicit Approximation of Equality Constraints. In : Hernández, S., Brebbia, C.A. (ed) Optimization of Structural Systems and Applications, pp. 555-567, Proceedings of OPTI ’93, July 7.-9., Zaragoza, Spain. London, New York : Elsevier Applied Science.
- Reitinger, R., & Ramm, E. (1993). Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Buckling Sensitive Structures. In : “Optimization of Structural Systems and Applications”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures’ (OPTI ’93). (eds. S. Hernández, C.A. Brebbia), Zaragoza, Spain, July 1993, Elsevier, 525–540.
- Andelfinger, U., & Ramm, E. (1992). An Assessment of Hybrid-Mixed Four-Node Shell Elements. “Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements” (ed. F.G. Rammerstorfer), Int. Centre of Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, June 1991, Lectures No. 328, Springer.
- Andelfinger, U., Ramm, E., & Roehl, D. (1992). 2D- and 3D-Enhanced Assumed Strain Elements and Their Application in Plasticity. Proceedings, Third Int. Conference of “Computational Plasticity” (COMPLAS III) (eds. D.J.R. Owen, E. Oñate, E. Hinton), Barcelona, Spain, April, Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK., 1992–2007.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1992). Strukturoptimierung - akademische Spielerei oder nützliche Entwurfshilfe? Tagungsband, “Finite Elemente in derBaupraxis” (Hrsg. J. Eibl u.a.), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, September 1991, W. Ernst & Sohn., 669–682.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (1992). Structural Optimization as Tool forShape Design. Proceedings, First European Conference on “Numerical Methods in Engineering” (eds. Ch. Hirsch et al.), Brussel, Belgium, September, Elsevier., 465–477.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (1992). Basics of Shape Optimal Design. “Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements” (ed. F.G. Rammerstorfer), Int. Centre of Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, June 1991, Lectures No. 328, Springer., 257–268.
- Büchter, N., & Ramm, E. (1992). 3D-Extension of Nonlinear Shell Equations Based on the Enhanced Assumed Strain Concept. Proceedings, First European Conference on “Numerical Methods in Engineering” (eds. Ch. Hirsch et al.), Brussels, Belgium, September, Elsevier., 55–62.
- Ramm, E. (1992). Shape Finding Methods of Shells. a) Proceedings, IASS Symposium on “Spatial Structures at the Turn of the Millennium” (eds. T. Wester, S.J. Medwadowski, I.B. Morgensen), Kopenhagen, Denmark, September 1991, Kunstakademiets Forlag Arkitektskoten, 1991, 59-68, b) IASS-Bulletin 33 (1992) 2, 89-99, c) CISM, Lecture No. 328, Springer, 1992.
- Ramm, E. (1992). Shells - on Structural Efficiency and Elegance. Proceedings, Int. Symposium on “Natural Structures” Stuttgart, Germany, 1991, Part 3, Mitteilungen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 230, Heft 8., 69–78.
- Ramm, E., & Büchter, N. (1992). Large Rotations in Structural Mechanics - Overview. “Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements” (ed. F.G. Rammerstorfer), Int. Centre of Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, June 1991, Lectures No. 328, Springer., 1–14.
- Ramm, E., & Reitinger, R. (1992). Force Follows Form in Shell Design. Proceedings, IASS-CSCE Int. Congress on “Innovative Large Span Structures”, Toronto, Canada, July (eds.N.K. Srivastava et al.), CSCE- Publication., 11–27.
- Ramm, E., & Büchter, N. (1992). Comparison of Shell Theory and Degeneration. “Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements” (ed. F.G. Rammerstorfer), Int. Centre of Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, June 1991, Lectures No. 328, Springer., 15–30.
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- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1991). Praktische Strukturoptimierung mit finiten Elementen. “Finite Elemente in der Praxis - Computergestütztes Berechnen und Konstruieren”, 11. Reutlinger Arbeitstagung, Reutlingen, Deutschland, T-Programm., 121–126.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1991). Strategies in Shape Optimization of Free Form Shells. ’Nonlinear Computational Mechanics - A State-of-the -Art’(eds.P.Wriggers,W.Wagner), Springer., 163–192.
- Büchter, N., & Ramm, E. (1991). Buckling of Cylindrical and Conical Shells under Concentrated Loading. Proceedings, Int. Colloquium on “Buckling of Shell Structures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air”, Lyon, France, September, Elsevier., 313–323.
- Ramm, E. (1991). Die Golden Gate Brücke - eine historische Betrachtung. “Beiträge zur Geschichte des Bauingenieurwesens”, Heft 3 (Hrsg. E. Schunck), Universität Stuttgart., 65–84.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (1991). Stability of Shell-Structures under Time Dependent Loading. Proceedings, European Conference on “Structural Dynamics” (eurodyn ’90) (eds. W.B. Krätzig et al.), Bochum, Germany, June 1990, Balkema., 121–126.
- Andelfinger, U., & Ramm, E. (1990). Assumed Strain Elements withOptimal Interpolation. Proceedings, IUTAM/IACM Symposium on “Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics” (eds. G. Kuhn, H. Mang), Wien, Austria 1989, Springer 1990, 83–93.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1990). Trimming of Structures by Shape Optimization. Proceedings, 2nd Int. Conference “Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures” (eds. N. Bicanic, H. Mang), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK., 491–501.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1990). Interactive Shape Optimization of Shells. Proceedings, Int. Conference on “Numerical Methods in Engineering: Theory and Applications” (NUMETA 90) (eds. G.N. Pande, J. Middleton), Swansea, UK, Elsevier, 464–473.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1990). Shape Optimization of Shells with Program CARAT. Proceedings, COMETT Seminar “Computer Aided Optimal Design” (eds. K. Schittkowski et al.), Thurnau, Germany, June.
- Burmeister, A., & Ramm, E. (1990). Dynamic Stability Analysis of Shell Structures. a) Proceedings, Int. Conference on “Computational Engineering Science” (ICES 88) (eds. S.N. Atluri, G. Yagawa), Atlanta, USA, 1988, Computational Mechanics ’88, Springer, 1988, 24 ii.1- 5, b) in: “ComputationalMechanics ofNonlinearResponse of Shells” (eds. W.B. Krätzig, E. Oñate), Springer, 1990., 152–163.
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- Büchter, N., & Ramm, E. (1990). Stabilitäts- und Traglastberechnungen von Zylinder- und Kegelschalen bei konzentrierten Beanspruchungen. Schriftenreihe Wissenschaft und Technik der TH Darmstadt, Band 51, 277–297.
- Ramm, E. (1990). Der Behälterbau. “V.G. Suchov 1853-1939 - Kunst der sparsamenKonstruktion” (Hrsg. R. Graefe,M.Gappoev, O. Pertschi), Deutsche Verlagsanstalt., 120–127.
- Ramm, E., Müller, J., & Wassermann, K. (1990). Problemfälle bei FE-Modellierungen. 4. Fachtagung “Baustatik-Baupraxis 4”, Hannover, Deutschland, März., 9.1-9.24.
- Andelfinger, U., Matzenmiller, A., & Ramm, E. (1989). Hybrid-Mixed Four-Node Shell Elements, Different Two-Field Assumptions and a Stability Test. “Analytical and Computational Models of Shells”, ASME CED - Vol. 3 (eds. A.K. Noor, T.B. Belytschko, J.C. Simo), 279–290.
- Breinlinger, F., & Ramm, E. (1989). An Elasto-Plastic Double Hardening Model for Soils within the Frame of a Finite Strain Formulation Using the Finite Element Method. Proceedings, 2nd Int. Conference on “Computational Plasticity-Models, Software and Applications” (COMPLAS II) (eds. D.J.R. Owen, E. Hinton, E.Onate), Barcelona, Spain, Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK., 1265–1276.
- Ramm, E., Büchter, N., & Stegmüller, H. (1989). Fortschritte bei nichtlinearen Schalenberechnungen. DFG-Abschlußberichtsband “Nichtlineare Berechnungen im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau” (Hrsg. E. Stein), Springer, 60–85.
- Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (1988). Finite Elements and Structural Optimization - Some Aspects of Problem Formulation. “Discretization Methods and Structural Optimizations - Procedures and Applications” (eds. H. Eschenauer, G. Thierauf), GAMM - Seminar, Universität Siegen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Engineering, Vol. 42, Springer, 64–70.
- Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1988). Structural Optimization and Analysis with Program System CARAT. “Discretization Methods and Structural Optimizations - Procedures and Applications” (eds. H. Eschenauer, G. Thierauf), GAMM-Seminar, Universität Siegen, Germany, 1988, Lecture Notes in Engineering, Vol. 42, Springer, 186–193.
- Ramm, E., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Kimmich, S. (1988). Strukturoptimierung. 1. Int. Symposium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 230, Stuttgart, Deutschland, Mitteilungen 2., 27–42.
- Ramm, E., Burmeister, A., & Stegmüller, H. (1988). Stabilität und Traglast von kegelförmigen Stahlbetonschalen - ein Beispiel für die Anwendung nichtlinearer FE-Modelle. Tagung “Finite Elemente-Anwendungen in der Baupraxis” (Hrsg. W. Wunderlich, E. Stein), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, W. Ernst & Sohn, 121–128.
- Ramm, E., & Kammler, G. (1988). Interaktion zwischen globalem und lokalem Versagen dünnwandiger Stäbe. “Festschrift Heinz Duddeck” (Hrsg. J. Scheer, H. Ahrens, H. -J. Bargstädt), TU Braunschweig., 238–249.
- Ramm, E., Stander, N., & Stegmüller, H. (1988). GegenwärtigerStand derMethode der finitenElemente. Tagung “Finite Elemente-Anwendungen in der Baupraxis” (Hrsg. W. Wunderlich, E. Stein), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, W. Ernst & Sohn., 1–13.
- Ramm, E. (1987). Ultimate Load and Stability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shells. Proceedings, IABSE Colloquium “Computational Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete”, Delft, Netherlands., 145–159.
- Ramm, E., Andelfinger, U., Höcklin, H., & Kimmich, S. (1987). Baustatik und Computer - Entwicklungen und Tendenzen. 3. Fachtagung “Baustatik - Baupraxis 3”, Stuttgart, Deutschland., 20.1-20.18.
- Ramm, E., & Burmeister, A. (1987). Stability Analysis of Dynamically Loaded Structures. Int. Conference on “Advances in Numerical Methods in Engineering: Theory and Applications” (NUMETA 87) (eds. G.N. Pande, J. Middleton), Swansea, U.K., Elsevier.
- Ramm, E., & Matzenmiller, A. (1987). Computational Aspects of Elasto-Plasticity in Shell Analysis. Int. Conference on “Computational Plasticity” (COMPLAS) (ed. E. Onate), Barcelona, Spain, Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK.
- Weimar, K., & Ramm, E. (1987). Ultimate Loads of Unstiffened Plate Girders Subjected to Concentrated Loads. Proceedings, ECCS Colloquium on “Stability of Plate and Shell Structures”, Ghent University, Belgium., 79–84.
- Ramm, E., & Matzenmiller, A. (1986). Der Einfluß ungleichmäßiger Temperaturbelastung auf das Beulen von Zylinderschalen. Beitrag zum GAMM-Seminar “Diskretisierende Methoden bei thermomechanischen Deformationen”, Leoben, Österreich, September.
- Ramm, E., & Matzenmiller, A. (1986). Large Deformation Shell Analysis Based on the Degeneration Concept. State-of-the-Art-Texts on “Finite Element Methods for Plate and Shell Structures” (eds. T.J.R. Hughes, E. Hinton), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, 365–393.
- Schweizerhof, K., & Ramm, E. (1986). Combining Quasi-Newton and Arc-Length Methods for the Analysis of Nonlinear Problems into the Postlimit Range. Extended Abstract for 1st World Congress on “ComputationalMechanics” (WCCM), University of Texas at Austin, USA, September.
- Schweizerhof, K., Ramm, E., & Ramm, A. (1986). Plate Elements fos Microcomputers. Proceedings, 2nd Int. Conference on “Microcomputers in Engineering” (eds. B.A. Schrefler, R.W. Lewis), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, 99–116.
- Burmeister, A., Ramm, E., & Bornscheuer, F.-W. (1985). Ultimate and Buckling Loads of Pad and Nozzle Reinforced Reactor Containments. 8th Int. Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology” (SMiRT 8), Brüssel, Belgium, J 4/8.
- Kimmich, S., Stegmüller, H., Ramm, E., & Müller, G. (1985). Mikrocomputer in der Baustatik. Tagung “Finite Elemente-Anwendungen in der Baupraxis” (Hrsg. H. Grundmann, E. Stein, W. Wunderlich), Ernst & Sohn., 508–517.
- Rajasekaran, S., & Ramm, E. (1985). Local and Member Stability of Thin -Walled Straight and Curved Beams of Open Section. Proceedings of the Second Int. Conference on “Computer Aided Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering”, Roorkee, India, Saharanpur Press.
- Ramm, E., & Müller, J. (1985). Flachdecken und finite Elemente - Einfluß des Rechenmodells im Stützenbereich. Tagung “Finite Elemente-Anwendungen in der Baupraxis” (Hrsg.H.Grundmann, E. Stein,W. Wunderlich), München,Deutschland, März 1984, Ernst & Sohn, 86–95.
- Ramm, E., Schweizerhof, K., & Stegmüller, H. (1985). Ultimate Load Analysis of Thin Shells under Pressure Loads. Europe-US Symposium “Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Problems” (eds. P. Bergan, K.J. Bathe, W. Wunderlich), Trondheim, Norway.
- Schweizerhof, K., Müller, J., & Ramm, E. (1985). Konvergenztest von Isoparametrischen Degenerierten Platten/Schalenelementen. Mitteilung Nr. 5, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Schweizerhof, K., & Ramm, E. (1985). A Family of Procedures for Tracing Postbuckling Paths of Elastic and Inelastic Nonlinear Structures. Abstract, “Euromech 200” (ed. J. Szabo), Matrafüred, Hungary., 417–418.
- Schweizerhof, K., & Ramm, E. (1985). Stability ofCylindricalShells underWind Loading with Particular Reference to Follower Load Effects. Proceedings of the US-Australian Workshop “Loading, Analysis and Stability of Thin Shell Bins, Tanks and Silos”, Sydney, Australia, March.
- Ramm, E., Müller, J., Stegmüller, H., Kimmich, S., Müller, G., Burmeister, A., & Schweizerhof, K. (1984). Modellierungsfragen - Mikrocomputer - Erdbebenberechnungen. Mitteilung Nr. 2, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E., Osterrieder, P., Diack, A., Stegmüller, H., & Bornscheuer, F. W. (1984). Stability of Steel Structures - Stabilität von Stahltragwerken. Mitteilung Nr. 4, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E., Burmeister, A., & Schweizerhof, K. (1984). Zum Nachweis der Erdbebensicherheit nach DIN 4149 (neu): Grundlagen und Anwendungen. 2. Fachtagung “Baustatik-Baupraxis”, Bochum, Deutschland, März, 13.1-13.29.
- Ramm, E., & Kompfner, T. A. (1984). Reinforced Concrete Shell Analysis Using an Inelastic Large Deformation Finite Element Formulation. Int. Conference “Computer -Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures”, Split, Jugoslawia, Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK,.
- Schweizerhof, K., Ramm, E., & Kompfner, T. A. (1984). Nonlinear Analysis of Shell-Like Structures - Nichtlineare Berechnung von Schalentragwerken. Mitteilung Nr. 3, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Burmeister, A., Ramm, E., & Bornscheuer, F.-W. (1983). Influence of Thickness Variations and Nozzle Reinforcements on the Ultimate Load of Reactor Containments. 7th Int. Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology” (SMiRT 7), Chicago, USA, J 6/7.
- Diack, A., & Ramm, E. (1983). A Parametric Study on the Stability of Stringer Stiffened Cylindrical Shells under Axial Load. Third Int. Colloqium on “Stability of Metal Structures”, Paris, France, November 1983, Preliminary Report., 357–366.
- Ramm, E. (1983). Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Shells under Pressure Loads Using Degenerated Elements. Euromech Colloquium No. 165 “Flexible Shells - Theory and Applications” (eds. E.L. Axelrad, F.A. Emmerling), München, Germany, Springer, 192–221.
- Ramm, E., & Osterrieder, P. (1983). Ultimate Load Analysis of Three-Dimensional Beam Structures with Thin-Walled Cross Sections Using Finite Elements. Third Int. Colloqium on “Stability of Metal Structures”, Paris, France, November, Preliminary Report., 201–210.
- Stegmüller, H., Häfner, L., Ramm, E., & Sättele, J. M. (1983). Theoretische Grundlagen zum FE-Programmsystem NISA 80. Mitteilung Nr. 1, Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Stegmüller, H., Bornscheuer, F.-W., & Ramm, E. (1983). Stability and Ultimate Load Analysis of Liquid Filled Conical Shells. Third Int. Colloqium on “Stability of Metal Structures”, Paris, November, Preliminary Report., 391–398.
- (Hrsg.), E. R. (1982). Buckling of Shells. Proceedings of the State-of-the -Art Colloquium, Stuttgart, Germany, May, Springer.
- Ramm, E. (1982). The Riks/Wempner Approach - an Extension of the Displacement ControlMethod in Nonlinear Analysis. “Recent Advances in Nonlinear Computational Mechanics” (eds. E. Hinton, C. Taylor, D.R.J. Owen), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, 63–86.
- Ramm, E., & Stegmüller, H. (1982). The Displacement Finite Element Method in Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Shells. Proceedings of a State-of-the -Art Colloquium on “Buckling of Shells” (ed. E. Ramm), Stuttgart, Germany, Springer, 201–235.
- Ramm, E. (1981). Geometrisch nichtlineare FE-Analyse. “Berechnung von geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearen Problemenmit Hilfe der finiten Element Methode”, Bericht der Control Data GmbH.
- Ramm, E. (1981). Strategies for Tracing the Nonlinear Response Near Limit Points. 2nd US-Europe Workshop “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics” (eds. W. Wunderlich, E. Stein, K.-J. Bathe), Bochum, Germany, 1980, Springer., 63–89.
- Ramm, E., & Sättele, J. M. (1981). Elasto-Plastic Large Deformation Shell Analysis Using Degenerated Elements. ASME - WAM Meeting on “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Shells”, Washington, USA, November, AMD - Vol. 48, 265–282.
- Stegmüller, H., Ramm, E., & Bornscheuer, F.-W. (1981). Ultimate Load Analysis of Nozzle Reinforced Reactor Containments - a Parametric Study. 6th Int. Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology” (SMiRT 6), Paris, France, August, J 5/9.
- Brendel, B., Ramm, E., & Bornscheuer, F.-W. (1980). Stabilitätsuntersuchungen weitgespannter Flächentragwerke. Mitteilungen 57 - Sonderforschungsbereich 64, Universität Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E., & Müller, J. (1980). Grundzüge der Methode der finiten Elemente. “Finite Element Methode”, Bericht der Control Data GmbH, Teil II.
- Bornscheuer, F.-W., Brendel, B., Häfner, L., Ramm, E., & Sättele, J. M. (1979). Fallstudien zu Schalentragwerken (in englischer Sprache). Bericht Nr. 79-3, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Brendel, B., Häfner, L., Ramm, E., & Sättele, J. M. (1979). Analysis and Response of Thin Glasfiber Reinforced Concrete Shell. 2. Int. Symposium “Weitgespannte Flächentragwerke”, Sonderforschungsbereich 64, Stuttgart, Deutschland, Mai.
- Brendel, B., & Ramm, E. (1979). Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Cylindrical Shells. Int. Conference on “Engineering Application of the Finite Element Method”, Hovik, Norway, May. A.S. Computas, 18.1-18.30.
- Ramm, E., Sättle, J. M., & Bornscheuer, F. W. (1979). Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Nozzle Intersections in Reactor Containments. 5th Int. Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology” (SMiRT 5), Berlin, Germany, August, J 6/9.
- Ramm, E., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Brendel, B., & Fastner, R. E. (1979). Stabilität windbelasteter dünner Kreiszylinderschalen. Tagungsband, Schalenbeultagung (Hrsg. M. Esslinger), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 125–139.
- Ramm, E. (1977). Design of Nozzles in Reactor Containments. 4th Int. Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology” (SMiRT 4), San Francisco, USA, August, J 5.
- Ramm, E. (1977). A Plate/Shell Element for Large Deflections and Rotations. US-Germany Symposium on “Formulations and Algorithms in Finite Element Analysis” (eds. K. -J. Bathe, J.T. Oden, W. Wunderlich), MIT, Cambridge, USA, August 1976. MIT-Press, 264–293.
- Brendel, B., & Ramm, E. (1976). Stabilitätsuntersuchungen weitgespannter Tragwerke mit der Methode der finiten Elemente. Int. Symposium “Weitgespannte Flächentragwerke” Sonderforschungsbereich 64, Stuttgart, Deutschland, April.
- Ramm, E. (1976). Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Stabilität von Kugelschalen unter Einbeziehung von Versuchsergebnissen. Seminarbericht der Institute für Baumechanik und Statik, TU Hannover, Januar.
Chapters in collections
- Bieber, S., Oesterle, B., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2022). Strategy for Preventing Membrane Locking Through Reparametrization. In F. Aldakheel, B. Hudobivnik, M. Soleimani, H. Wessels, C. Weißenfels, & M. Marino (Eds.), Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics. Springer, Cham.
- Bischoff, M., Ramm, E., & Irslinger, J. (2018). Models and Finite Elements for Thin-Walled Structures. In Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics. Second Edition, E. Stein, R. de Borst, T.J.R. Hughes (eds.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (pp. 1–86).
- Wilking, C., Bischoff, M., & Ramm, E. (2017). Improved Contact Stress Recovery for Mortar-Based Contact Formulations. In Oñate E., Peric D., de Souza Neto E., Chiumenti M. (eds) Advances in Computational Plasticity. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 46. Springer (pp. 395–415).
- Ramm, E., Erhart, A., Hettich, T., Bruss, I., Hilchenbach, F., & Kato, J. (2011). Damage Propagation in Composites - Multiscale Modeling and Optimization. In Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (LNACM) 55, Berlin: Springer (pp. 281–304).
- Ramm, E., Bischoff, M., & Schneider, B. (2011). On some features of a polygonal discrete element model. In D. Müller-Hoeppe, S. Löhnert, S. Reese (eds.): Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics. Springer, Berlin (pp. 265–273).
- Schneider, B., D’Addetta, G. A., & Ramm, E. (2011). On material modeling by polygonal discrete elements. In E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen (eds.): Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications. Springer, Dordrecht (pp. 159–185).
- Ramm, E. (2008). Zur Strukturdynamik - Modellbildungen und Anwendungen. In Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch 2007, J. Cramer Verlag (pp. 141–156).
- Bischoff, M., Wall, W. A., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Ramm, E. (2004). Models and Finite Elements for Thin-walled Structures. In in Encyclopedia Of Computational Mechanics, Editors: Erwin Stein, René de Borst and Thomas J.R. Hughes. Volume 2: Solids and Structures. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester (pp. 59–137).
- Ramm, E. (2002). Schalen - effizientes Tragverhalten und natürliche Elegnz. “Beiträge zur Geschichte des Bauingenieurwesens 12: Ingenieurarbeit”. E. Schunck (Hrsg.), TU München.
- Steeb, H., Maute, A., & Ramm, E. (2002). Goal-oriented error estimation in solid mechanics. In “Error-controlled Adaptive FEMs in Solid Mechanics”, E. Stein (Ed.), Wiley & Sons (pp. 211–261).
- Kemmler, R., & Ramm, E. (2001). Modellierung mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente (pp. 143–208). Betonkalender, Ernst&Sohn.
- Burmeister, A., Gerlinger, T., Ramm, E., & Reitinger, R. (2000). Knicksicherheit durch Glas - Glasversteifte Stützen beim Deutschen Pavillion auf der EXPO 2000 (pp. 71–92). VDI Berichte Nr. 1527.
- Ramm, E., & Bletzinger, K.-U. (1998). Structural Optimization. In Feature Article. Newsletter No 9. (IASS-Structural Morphology Group) (pp. 6–13).
- Ramm, E., & Rehle, N. (1996). Sind adaptive FE-Berechnungsmethoden für praktische Problemstellungen geeignet? In Festschrift J.Eibl, Karlsruhe.
- Ramm, E., & Hofmann, T. J. (1995). Stabtragwerke. In Mehlhorn, G. (ed), Der Ingenieurbau: Baustatik und Baudynamik. W. Ernst & Sohn (pp. 1–343).
- Bletzinger, K.-U., Reitinger, R., Kimmich, S., & Ramm, E. (1993). Shape optimization with program CARAT. In Hörnlein, H. , Schittkowski, K. (ed) Software Systems for Structural Optimization, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics, 110 (pp. 97–124).
- Ramm, E. (1976). Geometrisch nichtlineare Elastostatik und finite Elemente. In Bericht Nr. 76-2, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E. (2009). Golden Gate - und Bay-Bridge in San Francisco - Von den Anfängen bis heute. Jahrbuch 2009, George-Bähr Forum, Dresden.
- Kull, U., Ramm, E., & Reiner, R. (1995). Evolution und Optimierung - Strategien in Natur und Technik. Stuttgart 1995, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E., & Schnuck, E. (1986). Heinz Isler - Schalen. Krämer, Stuttgart.
- Burmeister, A., Bornscheuer, F.-W., & Ramm, E. (1984). Traglasten von Kugelbehältern mit Stutzen und Formabweichungen unter Innendruck und Stützenlängskraft. Bericht Nr. 4, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Ramm, E. (1976). Geometrisch nichtlineare Elastostatik und Finite Elemente. Habilitationsschrift, Bericht 76 - 2, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.
Doctoral Thesis
- Ramm, E. (1972). Beitrag zur praktischen Berechnung dünner Kugelschalen bei nicht rotationssymmetrischer Berandung nach der linearen Biegetheorie. (pp. 1–157). Doktorarbeit, Bericht 1972, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart.