The software StaR2 is developed at the Institute for Structural Mechanics specifically for its use in lectures and exercises of the institute. It offers the user a graphically interactive analysis of 2-dimensional truss systems subjected to numerous kinds of loadings:
- single and distributed loads
- temperature loading
- displacements of bearings
- pre-stressing
Moreover, it is possible to interactively superpose the results of different load cases and to compare distributions of stress resultants and displacements of different structures.
During the development of StaR2 primarily an intuitive user operating was emphasized. This allows students to compare their handwritten calculations with the result of the program step by step, for example for hand calculations using the force method.
Due to the fact that StaR2 is a non-commercial application there are the following limitations in its usage:
- Neither the authors of the program nor the Institute for Structural Mechanics nor the University of Stuttgart assumes any liability for damages caused by the installation or usage of StaR2.
- Any commercial use of StaR2 is contrary to the author's conception, which is to create a tool for civil engineering students to support their learning and understanding of structural behavior, and is therefore not permitted.
StaR2 is written in Java and runs on most operation systems. Required is a compatible Java-Installation.
For Windows an installer is available which installs all necessary files and links StaR2 input files to the program. We recommend the free Java variant Temurin from Adptium, which can be downloaded from this page. Please select at least Temurin 17. All four options must be selected during installation.
For all other operation systems the zip-archive can be downloaded. It needs to be unpacked at an arbitrary location before starting StaR2 via double click on "StaR2.jar" or the command "java -jar StaR2.jar".
List of all versions of the program and implemented changes
(only available in German)
Mailing list
There is a mailing list, which can be used e.g. to discuss questions about the use of StaR2 with members of the institute and other users. Furthermore new versions of the program are announced via this mailing list.
To subscribe to the list, please send a blank mail with subject "subscribe" to star-list-ibb-request.
To unsubscribe from the list, please send a blank mail with subject "unsubscribe" to star-list-ibb-request.
To send a mail to all members of the list, use E-Mail to star-list-ibb.
Privacy notice
This is a closed mailing list, i.e. only members of the list can send e-mails to this list. The e-mail addresses cannot be viewed by the other members of the list. The data are stored on a server of the Universität Stuttgart and are not passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe from the list at any time as described above.
If you have any questions, please contact the
Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Questions, suggestions and bugs:

Malte von Scheven
Dr.-Ing.Deputy Head of Institute