- Isogeometric finite elements for shells
- Finite elements free from locking
- Sheet metal forming simulation
- Segmented fibre composite shells (EXC IntCDC)
- Motion design and biomimetics
- Path-following methods
- Isogeometric contact modelling
- Contact modelling
- Mass scaling
- Advanced tetrahedra
- Multiscale simulation of phase change
- Simulation of plant movements (SFB-TRR 141)
- Segmented shell of the sea urchin (SFB-TRR 141)
- Structural design with biological methods: optimality, multi-functionality and robustness (SFB-TRR 141)
- Adaptive discrete-continuous modeling of materials with microstructure
- (MAAXIMUS) More Affordable Aircraft through eXtended, Integrated and Mature nUmerical Sizing
- Reduction of numerical sensitivities in crashsimulations on HPC
- Adaptive path following methods
- Isogeometric Analysis