- 1994: Born in Ankara, Türkiye
- 2011–2016: Bachelor student of Menchanical Engineering at the Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Türkiye
- 2016–2018: Master student of Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the University of Stuttgart
- 2018–2023: Simulations Engineer at DYNAmore GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
- Seit 2023: Scientific Staff at the Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart
Articles in journals
- Vinot, M., Liebold, C., Usta, T., Holzapfel, M., Toso, N., & Voggenreiter, H. (2023). Stochastic modelling of continuous glass-fibre reinforced plastics–considering material uncertainty in microscale simulations. Journal of Composite Materials, 57(1), 133–145.
Articles in proceedings
- Liebold, C., Ilg, C., Haufe, A., Usta, T., & Sreenivasa, V. (2023). Displacement driven simulation and material calibration based on digital image correlation Part I - Theory. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1284.
Tolga Usta, Christian Liebold, Mathieu Vinot. An Integrated Modeling Scheme for Sensor Embedded Woven Composite Structures in Manufacturing Simulation. 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021, Ulm, Deutschland, 5.–7.10.2021, [Konferenzartikel]
- Computational Mechnics of Structures (M.Sc.), winter term 2023/2024, 2024/2025
Supervision of Theses
- Krishaa Madhikarmi. Implementation of PRIMUS Biofidelic Dummy Model in LS-DYNA (24/04). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Tolga Usta und Armagan Berkcan Erman (EDAG Engineering GmbH). Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2024.