Examination board M.Sc. COMMAS

Informations and forms

Handbook of modules and examination regulations

The current handbook of modules and valid examination regulations for the study program COMMAS can be found here:

Examination office

Here you can find further information for examination matters, e.g. registration deadlines, examinations dates and registration forms etc.

Admissions office

Your contact partner for application, admission, enrollment, re-registration, leave, study program change, de-registration and other formalities.


Please use our forms to ensure a smooth processing of your concerns. These and other forms can be found on the Homepage of the Examination Office:

You can either hand in the forms in person at the office of the Institute for Structural Analysis or send them in digital form to pa@ibb.uni-stuttgart.de.



Examination board

Institut for Structural Mechanics, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart

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