- 1990: Born in Backnang
- 2009: Abitur at the Carl-Schaefer-Schule, Ludwigsburg
- 2009–2010: Civil Service
- 2010–2016: Student of Civil Engineering at the University of Stuttgart
- 2014–2015: One semester at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona
- 2015: Internship at Ingenieurgemeinschaft Gölkel, Stuttgart
- 2016–2022: Scientific staff at the Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart
- 2017: Prize for the Masterthesis, Freundeskreis Stuttgarter Statik e.V.
- Shell analysis
- Finite element technologies
- Alternative discretization methods
Articles in journals
- Bieber, S., Auricchio, F., Reali, A., & Bischoff, M. (2023). Artificial instabilities of finite elements for nonlinear elasticity: Analysis and remedies. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
- Willmann, T., Bieber, S., & Bischoff, M. (2022). Investigation and elimination of nonlinear Poisson stiffening in 3d and solid shell finite elements. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
- Pfefferkorn, R., Bieber, S., Oesterle, B., Bischoff, M., & Betsch, P. (2020). Improving Efficiency and Robustness of EAS Elements for Nonlinear Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(8), 1911–1939.
- Bieber, S., Oesterle, B., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2018). A variational method to avoid locking – independent of the discretization scheme. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 114, 801–827.
Articles in proceedings
- Oesterle, B., Bieber, S., Sachse, R., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2018). Intrinsically locking-free formulations for isogeometric beam, plate and shell analysis. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18.
- Oesterle, B., Sachse, R., Bieber, S., Ramm, E., & Bischoff, M. (2017). Isogeometric analysis with hierarchic shell elements – intrinsically free from locking by alternative parametrizations. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017. Annette Bögle, Manfred Grohmann (eds.) “Interfaces:”. 25-28th September, 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Bachelor and Master Thesis
- Bieber, S. (2016). Development of locking-free isogeometric finite elements by means of the DSG method. Masterarbeit 16/06. Betreuer: Bastian Oesterle. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart.
- Bieber, S. (2013). Isogeometrische finite Elemente für ebene Rahmen und Bogentragwerke. Bachelorarbeit 13/10. Betreuer: Bastian Oesterle. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart.
Simon Bieber, Bastian Oesterle, Tobias Willmann, Manfred Bischoff. Non–linear Locking Effects in Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis. 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2019), Kassel, Germany, August 28–30, 2019.
- Baustatik und Baudynamik I (M.Sc.), summer term 2017
- Baustatik und Baudynamik II (M.Sc.), winter terms 2016/2017, 2017/2018
- Variational Methods in Structural Dynamics (M.Sc.), summer term 2018, 2019
- Computational Methods for Shell Analysis (M.Sc.), winter terms 2018/2019, 2020/2021
Supervision of Theses
- Liyuan Zhang. Berücksichtigung von mitgehenden Lasten in Finite-Elemente-Berechnungen (21/09). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber und Alexander Müller. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2021.
- Constanze Resch. Topologieoptimierung für 2d-Tragwerke (20/12). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2020.
- Minhua Zhang. Locking-free Finite Elements in Finite Elasticity Problems (20/15). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2020.
- Özge Özbayram. Mixed Finite Elements for Geometrically Nonlinear Problems (19/02). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Bastian Oesterle und Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2019.
- Ruizhi Huang. Finite Elemente höherer Ordnung für lineare Elastizitätsprobleme (19/06). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2019.
- Krupesh Beekanahalli Shivaprakash. Investigation and Validation of the Piston Fatigue Life in Hilti Direct Fastening Tools (18/26). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2018.
- Rebecca Thierer. Entwicklung finiter Plattenelemente basierend auf Subdivision Surfaces (17/20). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber und Bastian Oesterle. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2017.
- Alexander Müller. Bending deformation of non-developable shells (17/30). Master Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber und Renate Sachse. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2017.
- Andrea Habrich. Structural Behavior of the Orb Webs Build by the Araneus Diadematus (21/06). Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2021.
- Nic Bartsch. Geschichte der Balkentheorie (21/10). Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2021.
- Markus Weiß. Volumetrisches Locking bei Scheibenelementen (18/18). Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2018.
- Ioan Florian Lotz. Traglastabschätzung historischer Bogen- und Gewölbestrukturen (18/31). Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2018.
- Constanze Resch. Analytische Formfindung von Bogentragwerken (17/26). Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Simon Bieber. Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart. 2017.