Zeit: | 16. Januar 2020, 09:45 Uhr |
Veranstaltungsort: | Multimedia-Hörsaal (MMHS) des Instituts für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Raum 1.155 |
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Michael Neunteufel vom Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing der TU Wien hält einen Gastvortrag zum Thema
"Nonlinear Shells – avoiding locking by the Hellan-Herrmann-Johnson method and Regge interpolation"
Zum Vortrag:
Finding appropriate discretizations for nonlinear shells is still a challenging problem. For Kirchhoff plates the Hellan-Herrmann-Johnson method introduces a moment tensor for computing the fourth order equation as a mixed method.
In this talk we present a generalization of these methods to nonlinear shells with large strains and rotations. We assume the Kirchhoff--Love hypothesis and focus on the bending energy. Therefore, we introduce the moment tensor in the finite element space H(divdiv). With these elements, also non-smooth surfaces with kinks can be handled directly. To overcome membrane locking for triangular meshes an interpolation operator into the so-called Regge space is inserted in the membrane energy term, weakening the number of implicitly given constraints.
Finally, the method, which is implemented in the finite element library Netgen/NGSolve (www.ngsolve.org), is demonstrated by means of several numerical examples.
Zur Person: Homepage von Hr. Neunteufel