The Hilti Company
Hilti is one of the worlds leading companies specializing in the field of fastening and demolition systems in the construction industry. Hilti's leading position in the market is heavily dependent on leadership in innovation which, in turn, calls for leading-edge technical and scientific know-how.
The Hilti research in Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures contributes significantly to increase and strengthen Hilti specific know-how. It includes the development and application of in-house and commercial finite element codes as well as the simulation of multi-body systems. The complexity of the various strongly nonlinear phenomena (impact, material modelling of concrete, steel ...) and the extreme situations (large deformations, high stresses, ...) relevant for fastening and demolition requires advanced modelling including the latest results of current research. In order to answer the complex questions, the Hilti research engineers collaborate with leading experts in the respective fields.
The Scholarship
For each COMMAS class Hilti offers two scholarships, which include a grant of EUR 1.500 for the last semester. In addition, the thesis of the 'Hilti scholars' will be embedded into current scientific activities of Hilti and are carried out at Hilti in the Principality of Liechtenstein or in Kaufering. The master thesis can be combined with an (6 month) internship.
- Aayush Askhedkar. Low Cycle Fatigue Lifetime Assessment of Impact Stressed Tool Components (24/02). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Anika Strauß und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2024.
- Achyuth Ramachandran. Analysis and validation of testing setup and simulation pipeline of thermal behavior inside gas-fueled flame furnace (24/03). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Alexander Müller und Sandro Erne, Sigrid Andreae (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2024.
- Adnan Ali Imran. Material Modeling and Simulation of Wood for Anchoring Applications (22/09). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: David Forster und Vincent de Groof (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2022.
- Saif-Ur-Rehman. Implementation of a Material Model for Elastomers with the Focus on Energy Dissipation (22/12). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Tarun Kumar Mitruka Vinod Kumar Mitruka und Dr. Ulrich Mandel (Hilti AG, Kaufering). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2022.
- Arjun Balagopal Menon. Optimization of Fiber Orientations Using Surrogate Models for the Anisotropic Simulation of SFRP Composites (21/16). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2021.
- Tarun Kumar Mitruka Vinod Kumar Mitruka. Implementation of a Hyperelastic and a Non-linear Viscoelastic Material Model for Elastomers in LS-DYNA (21/15). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Tobias Willmann und Dr. Ulrich Mandel (Hilti AG, Kaufering). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2021.
- Gabriela Barrón Loeza. Implementation and Evaluation of Topology Optimization Methods for Structural Components Subjected to Transient Loads (20/20). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Steffen Mucha (Hilti AG, Kaufering). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2020.
- Emre Baris Yildiz. Fatigue Analysis of Threaded Connections under Changing Load Path Conditions (19/12). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Tobias Willmann und Dr. Vincent de Groof (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2019.
- Shucheta Shegufta. Vapor Transport in Concrete (19/18). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Alexander Müller und Dr. Sigrid Andreae (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2019.
- Lincoln Sherpa. Weight Optimization of a Battery Driven Direct Fastening Tool (19/19). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2019.
- Ishan Gupta. Design Optimization of a Handheld Nailing Tool (18/24). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Peter Bruggmüller (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2018.
- Azamat Zhumagaliyev. Machine Learning Based Optimization of Eddy Current Drive Modeled as a Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal Problem (18/25). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Florian Geiger und Chafic Abu-Antoun (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2018.
- Krupesh Beekanahalli Shivaprakash. Investigation and Validation of the Piston Fatigue Life in Hilti Direct Fastening Tools (18/26). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Simon Bieber und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2018.
- Alexey Solovtcov. Dynamic Tightening Behaviour of Screw Connections. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Layla Koohi (IBB) und Lukas Braun (Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2018.
- Tanzia Nashrin Islam. Structural Design and Optimization of Hilti GX Tool (17/23). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Peter Bruggmüller (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2017.
- Ken Tang. A Simplified Screw Model for Drop Test Simulations Considering Pretension and Failure (17/24). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2017.
- Omar Eladel Kamel. Global Optimization of Transient Electromagnetic Eddy Current Drive (17/25). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven und Chafic Abu-Antoun (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2017.
- Zahid Mohammad Mir. Numerical Analysis of Loading Capacity for Metal Expansion Anchor and Direct Fastening Nail (16/01). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr. Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Dr. Yijun Li, Furkan Gültekin (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2016.
- Gaurav Sanjiv Asodekar. Precise Drop-Test Simulations (16/20). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Anne Schäuble (IBB) und Wolfram Hahn (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2016.
- Vikramaditya Ashok Gaonkar. Simulation of Fluid Flow through a Diamond Core Bit (16/21). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: M. von Scheven (IBB) und S. Andreae, A. Kidess (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2016.
- Shehjar Kaul. Development of a 6/4 switched reluctance motor based on global optimization using a transient finite element model (15/04). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Chafic Abu Antoun (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2015.
- Harsh Sharma. Investigation and Characterization of the Material Behavior of a Steel Alloy (15/29). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Wolfram Hanh (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2015.
- Kamal Kumar. Setting process simulation of DX elements on concrete (14/14). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Furkan Gültekin (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2014.
- Karunya Abuirami Ramani Mohan. Theory and Application of Convex Optimization in Hilit-Relevant Loadcases (13/07). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Peter Bruggmueller und Chafic Abu Antoun (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2013.
- Chenyi Luo. Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Thin Laminates (12/13). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Ralph Echter (IBB) und Michael Pertl (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2012.
- Junjie Luo. Numerical Evaluation of Concrete Models in LS-DYNA and Application to Hilti Specific Processes (12/14). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Malte von Scheven (IBB) und Yijun Li (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2012.
- Furkan Gültekin. Geometry Design Optimization in Transient FEA (11/01). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Anton Tkachuk (IBB) und Peter Bruggmüller (Hilti AG, Liechtenstein). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2011.
- Toral Rashmikant Shah. Geometry Design Optimization of Fastening Systems in Transient Finite Elements (11/14). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: M. von Scheven und P. Bruggmüller (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2011.
- Lessly Margarita Jaramillo Acuna. Numerical Simulation of Eddy Currents Induced by PCB Coils under Low Frequency Excitation (11/13). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: M. Bischoff und Herr Abu-Antoun (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2011.
- Sofia Pappa. Numerical investigation of concrete screw under static and cyclic loading (11/16). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Ch. Wilking (IBB) und Dr. Y. Li (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2011.
- Sandeep Patil. Investigation of failure mechanism and load carrying capacity of concrete screw by numerical simulation (10/11). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Prof. M. Bischoff (IBB) und Dr. Yijun Li (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2010.
- Suresh Padmanabhan. Design of a Fastening System with Extensive Parameter Study and Sensitivity Analysis (Nr. 09/9). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Prof. M. Bischoff, I. Bruss, P. Bruggmüller (Hilti AG). Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2009.
- Deepak Hegde Ganapayya. Shape and Parameter Optimization by Response Surface Method for Hand Operated Hilti Nailing Tool (Nr. 08/1). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Peter Bruggmueller (Corporate R&T, Hilti AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) und Prof. Manfred Bischoff. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2008.
- Nagesh Chilakunda Sundaresha. Dynamic Simulation of Anchor Setting Process using the Continuous Surface Cap Model in LS-DYNA (Nr. 08/2). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr. Yijun Li (Hilti AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) und Prof. M. Bischoff . Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2008.
- Shafic Abu Antoun. Multidisciplinary Optimization of the Thermodynamic Behavior of a Gas Powered Fastening Tool (Gx Fan) (Nr. 07/4). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Frederic Hilchenbach and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2007.
- Patil Prabhudevagouda. Numerical evaluation of damage-viscoplasticity model for concrete and application to impact problems (Nr. 07/3). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Frederic Hilchenbach and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2007.
- Pei-Chun Liao. Simulation of Large Chemical Anchors (Nr. 06/6). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Thomas Hettich and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2006.
- Özgür Aslan. Material Modelling of Metallic Sand under Impact Loads (Nr. 06/5). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Benjamin Schneider, Malte Neumann and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2006.
- Kinshuk Srivastava. Simulation of General Loading in Concrete using Arc-Length Methods (Nr. 05/4). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Frank Huber and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2005.
- Tarik Görgün. Material Modeling of Rubber (Nr. 05/5). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Stefan Hartmann and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2005.
- Mustafa Ömercik. Topology and Shape Optimization Methods for Industrial Applications. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Tobias Erhart and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2004.
- Krishna Moorthy Sivakumara Kannappan. Numerical Modeling of Short Time Dynamics for Product Development. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Tobias Erhart and Hilti Corporation, Research & Development. Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart. 2004.
You will be paid a monthly salary during the time in Liechtenstein or Kaufering which is far enough for covering the living costs. The only prerequisite for being eligible for a Hilti scholarship is successful completion of the first two COMMAS semesters. The 'Hilti scholars' are chosen by a mixed Hilti and COMMAS board based on the application and the examination results.
Information Meeting
Detailed information about the company Hilti, the scholarship and possible master thesis topics will be given in a onsite meeting in October 2024:
Multimedia-Lecture room, 1.155
Pfaffenwaldring 7
The Hilti scholarship provides not only a financial support to students but also offers an opportunity for students to collaborate with the Hilti company on practical problems. The scholarship will be based on the following conditions:
- It will be paid at the beginning of the master thesis.
- The thesis will be embedded into current scientific activities of Hilti and should be partly ore completely carried out at Hilti in the Principality of Liechtenstein or in Kaufering.
The selected students will have the opportunity to carry out their thesis work within the department of Numerical Simulation. The thesis topic will be coordinated with the respective student and the respective advisor from the COMMAS side (University of Stuttgart).
The application deadline for master theses in summer term 2025 is
Monday, November 4th, 2024 at 08:00 am
The application shall contain:
- covering letter with your motivation for the Hilti scholarship
- your curriculum vitae (if software packages are mentioned specify hours and purpose (training/research project/industrial application)
- recent transcript with all your grades (you can download it from C@MPUS)
- the topic(s) you are most interested in
- please state whether you are interested in an (additional) internship
Please send these documents as pdf files by email to Dr. Malte von Scheven.
Interviews and Decision
The selection interviews will be held on November 14th, 2024 live in Schaan/Liechtenstein. Please prepare a 3-5 minutes presentation (max. 3 slides) about a project (linked to simulation) you did.
The selected students will receive an offer to complete their master thesis at Hilti no later than November 15th, 2024.
Applications and further infos:

Malte von Scheven
Dr.-Ing.Stellv. Institutsleiter, Akademischer Direktor