Zeit: | 21. – 23. September 2022 |
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Das IBB ist mit den folgenden Vorträgen beim 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry in Essen vertreten (Vortragende unterstrichen):
Mittwoch, 21.09.2022, 13:45 Uhr:
Combination of Data-Based Model Reduction and Reanalysis for Accelerated Non-Linear Stability Analysis
Anika Strauß, Jonas Kneifl, Jörg Fehr und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 05: Data-integrated modeling and simulation)
Mittwoch, 21.09.2022, 13:45 Uhr:
A Fully Non-linear, Shear Deformable Isogeometric Shell Formulation Using Hierarchic Displacements
Rebecca Thierer, Bastian Oesterle und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 30: Advanced discretization schemes for computational mechanics of structures, solids, fluids and their interaction)
Mittwoch, 21.09.2022, 13:45 Uhr:
A Case Study on the Design of Adaptive Slabs Equipped with an Active Post-Tensioning System
Axel Trautwein, Tamara Prokosch, Arka Reksowardojo, Gennaro Senatore, Lucio Blandini und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 19: Design optimization in computational mechanics)
Mittwoch, 21.09.2022, 17:35 Uhr:
Optimization of Beam and Truss Structures Using Alternative Performance Indicators
David Forster, Malte von Scheven und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 19: Design optimization in computational mechanics)
Donnerstag, 22.09.2022, 16:50 Uhr:
Optimization On Manifolds For The Advanced Discretization Of Director Fields
Alexander Müller und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 30: Advanced discretization schemes for computational mechanics of structures, solids, fluids and their interaction)
Freitag, 23.09.2022, 13:45 Uhr:
Mixed-Dimensional Coupling for Higher Order Shell Elements in Sheet Metal Forming Simulations
Maximilian Schilling, Tobias Willmann und Manfred Bischoff
(MS 28: Non-standard discretization and multiscale modeling for structural elements)
s. auch: Minisymposien unter Co-Organisation des IBB